Sociological Experiment


DNA Purification

            DNA purification allowed us to gather pure DNA from cultured cells in order to perform PCR. Wild type S9 human epithelial cell samples were provided by Douglas Luckie and his Michigan State University lab. The process to purify the DNA was followed from Qiagen’s Generation Capture Column Handbook based on the "Generation Capture Column Kit". The protocol we followed was in the section specific to DNA Purification from Cultured Cells and Cell Suspensions. Captured cells were kept on ice until used. The frozen culture was allowed to thaw under a warm water bath at 37 degrees Celsius. 200uL of the DNA sample containing 5-7 x 10^6 cells/ml was added to a capture column and incubated for 1 hour. 400uL of DNA Purification Solution 1 was added to the sample and incubated for one minute at room temperature. This solution was then placed in the centrifuge for ten seconds at 2,000-12,000 times the force of gravity (xg). This resulted in 600uL of waste that was collected in a waste tube. It was then transferred into a new waste collection tube and 400uL of DNA Purification Solution 1 was added. The solution was incubated one minute at room temperature. After the incubation, it was placed in the centrifuge for ten seconds at 2,000-12,000 xg and acquired a waste volume of 400uL. To this, 200uL of DNA Elution Solution 2 was added followed by ten more seconds in the centrifuge at the same speed. This capture column was transferred to a clear DNA collection tube and 100uL of DNA Elution Solution 2 was added. This solution was then incubated for ten minutes at 99 degrees Celsius and then centrifuged one last time for 20 seconds at the same speed. Once the cells were purified using DNA purification and DNA Elution Solution based on the handbook, the strands were able to be analyzed using PCR.

Primer Design

            Careful primer design was essential to proper annealing of the primers to the desired bands of DNA. We first found the entire sequence for the gene SOD1 and where the particular A4V mutation was in the genome. Three primers were designed around the mutation. The two forward primers both annealed to base pairs 142-163 on the SOD1 gene. The ALS A4V mutation forward primer, ALSF, only annealed to the base pair DNA sequence if the mutation was present. To ensure that the ALSF would not bind to the wild type DNA sequence, we followed the Hidenobu Yaku method of forming primers and added an intentional mismatched nucleotide base near the mutated nucleotide base (5' GCG AGT TAT GGC GAC GAA AGT 3'). The wild-type forward primer (WTF) only annealed to the original DNA sequence that does not contain the ALS mutation because it has only a single mismatch toward the 3' end (5' GCG AGT TAT GGC GAC GAA AGC 3'). The final primer is a reverse primer that annealed from 752-773 base pairs and allowed for the amplified band to be 631 base pairs long.

            The equation used to calculate the annealing temperatures was Tm = 64.9°C + 41°C x (number of G's and C's in the primer - 16.4) / N where N is the length of the primer (Rychlik and Rhoads, 1989). Using the oligonucleotide annealing temperature equation, the annealing temperature for WTF was calculated to be 56.31 degree Celsius. The annealing temperature for both the ALSF primer and the reverse primer was 54.36 degrees Celsius. As a control for our experiment, we also used the two primers designed to amplify the A4V mutation created by Rosen et al. The forward primer they used was (5' ATA AAG TAG TCG CGG AGA CGG 3') and the reverse primer was (5' GCC TTC TGC TCG AAA TTG ATG 3'), which form a 182 bp long band and anneal at 60 degrees Celcius (Rosen et al, 1994). All primers, including control and experiment primers, were ordered from the Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) website.

Site-Directed Mutagenesis

           Mutant DNA was created through site-directed mutagenesis. The primer sequence used was (5’ AGC GAG TTA TGG CGA CGA AGG TCG TGT 3’) for the forward primer (SDFP) and (5’ AGC CTG GGC GAC AGA GCG AGA CTT GGT 3’) for the reverse primer (SDRP). Both primers were obtained from IDT like the previous primers. The primers anneal to the 141-168 base pairs for the forward primer and the 1762 to 1789 base pairs for the reverse primer, allowing for a 1648 band to appear from PCR. The annealing temperature of the forward primer was 65 degrees Celsius and the annealing temperature for the reverse primer was 68.6 degrees Celsius, utilizing the same method of calculation as above. The product from PCR with these primers SDFP and SDRP, contains the ALS A4V mutation and was the mutated DNA used later in the experiment.


           To use the control primers, 3uL of purified DNA, 1uL of control forward primer, 1uL of control reverse primer, 1uL of Taq polymerase, 2uL of 10mM DNTPs, 1uL MgCl2, 5uL of 10X PCR buffer, and 36uL of nuclease-free water were mixed and centrifuged for a few seconds and ran in PCR at 55 degrees Celsius. Initial denaturing occurred at 95 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes. The cocktail underwent 30 cycles involving three steps: denaturing, annealing, and elongation. Denaturing also occurred at 95 degrees Celsius for 45 seconds. Annealing occurred at 55 degrees Celsius for 45 seconds. Elongation occurred at 72 degrees Celsius for 1 minute and a final elongation occurred at 72 degrees Celsius for 7 minutes. The SDFP and SDRP were added in place of the control primers, while maintaining the volumes of all the materials. This mixture was run at 50 and 58 degrees Celsius for the annealing temperature while maintaining the remaining temperatures and durations of PCR. Additionally the ALSF primer and reverse primers were added in the same proportions as before with wild type DNA and ran in PCR at 50 and 58 degrees Celsius. WTF and reverse primer were ran with the mutated DNA from site-directed mutagenesis in the same quantities as mentioned and run in PCR at 50 and 58 degrees Celsius.

            A 2% agarose gel was created by mixing 0.8g of agarose powder, 40mL of 1X Lithium Borate (LB) buffer, and 1µL of 10 mg/ml ethidium bromide. The PCR products were also dyed using 1µL of 10 mg/ml bromophenol blue to make sure that the product is moving in the gel. A 1X Kb Plus molecular ladder by Invitrogen was used. An electric current of approximately 210V was passed through the gel for 20-25 minutes to migrate the products and compare the length to the ladder.

Living with ALS

            Our Living with ALS experiment involved a sociological, psychological, and physiological aspect of ALS and how it affected the patient and people around the patient. The sociological and psychological view on ALS was shown through a still-photo documentary created by our team. In addition, each member of our research group spent a week attempting to mimic the deteriorating effects of ALS.

            For the first two days, the member wore 0.45kg (1 lb) of weight on each arm. For the next three days, the weight doubled to 1.35kg (3 lbs) on each arm. For the final two days, the weight was raised to 2.70kg (6 lbs) per arm and the member had to use a wheelchair for the majority of the time. This closely simulated how the degenerative process in ALS works over the course of a couple years.

            At the end of every day, each member completed the Disability Index at Stanford University's Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) in order to gauge the disability severity of that day. We then plotted this index score versus time to see if there is a correlation between the deteriorating muscle use and the socio-psychological state of the member. In addition to this index, the member also completed the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire Index (RMQ) which was also plotted versus time. Finally, the member performed a simple exercise of raising his/her arms over his/her head as many times in a row as they could in one minute at the same time every night. The recorded number of arm raises that could be performed was plotted verse time. All three methods of measurement were analyzed with t-tests and correlation coefficients.