PCR Detection of 3272-26A->G CF Mutation in Patient Cells and Effect on Quality of Life

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Positive Agarose Gel Results
Gel results

Lane 3 shows positive results for hte absence of the mutation in wild type DNA, with 2ul each of primers 2 and 3 with .7ul of wild type DNA with illuminated bads at 1081 and 689 base pairs. Lane 6 shows positive results for hte presence of the mutation in mutant DNA, with 2ul each of primers 1 and 2 with 1.12ul of DNA.  A faint band was at 903 base pairs.

Health Related Quality of Life
Health Related Quality of Life

Evaluation of specific risk factors on severity and reduction of quality of life in cystic fibrosis patients and families.

This research belongs to the people who created this page, who spent hard months slaving over a hot lab bench to get these results! Replication or use of this data without our permission is illegal.