Video Capture Shows Group Communication Through Increased Head Tossing in Mallard Ducks & Humans with Similar Gene

By: Meghan Lederman, Maggie McDonald, and Sabrina Cleis

LB 144 Organismal Biology

Wednesday 11:30 AM

Morgan Kiryakoza and George Hyde



Responsibility by: Maggie McDonald

           The Mallard Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) lives in wetland habitats, including marshes, lakes, and rivers. Mallard ducks are monogamous, with pair formation beginning in the nonbreeding season. Ducks are a part of the Anatidae family, which include ducks, geese, and swans. Similarities in the Anatidae family include the structure of the bill of a bird, plumage (which is sexually dimorphic), legs that are set farther back on the body, and webbed feet (Howard, 2003). Due to these similarities, studies shown in geese and swans can also be applied to ducks. It has been confirmed that in Canadian Geese, head tossing increases prior to flight. At low intensity, head tossing includes slow bill and head movements, and at high intensity, consists of neck movements and rapid side to side head shaking (Raveling, 1969). In swans, preflight behavior includes an upward thrust of the head, head-shaking, and wing flapping (Black, 1988). These movements are important because they ensure a prepared flight sequence (Raveling, 1969).

           Similar to the Anatidae family, humans (Homosapiens) are monogamous, remain in groups, and are both vertebrates. In a 1993 study (Dunbar), it was concluded that neocortex sizes in humans evolved to adapt to the group size one is most comfortable in. Because the neocortex is larger, humans have evolved to become more comfortable in greater groups of people. A 2007 study also indicates that increased head movement is prevalent prior to leaving a designated area (Martino-Saltzman et al.,1991).

           The gene that was analyzed in each species was dopamine beta hydroxylase, found on the chromosome locus 9q34.2. This means that the gene is found on the ninth chromosome on the long arm, q, in region three, on band four, and sub-band two. The protein dopamine beta hydroxylase converts dopamine to norepinephrine by adding an -OH group to the second carbon (Nussey, 2001). Norepinephrine is a hormone that produces the fight or flight reaction. This reaction elicits action behavior, such as departure, while increasing heart rate and respiration (Breedlove, 2013). A deficiency in the gene results in cardiovascular disorders, limited mobility and exercise, and muscle hypotonia (Senard & Rouet, 2006). To establish the presence of the gene and its location in the genome of ducks and humans, the following experimental tests were performed: DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and electrophoresis. DNA isolation was necessary to perform the polymerase chain reaction. PCR amplifies the isolated DNA. By denaturing through heat, the protein separates the DNA strands to get the base pairs, allowing primers to bind to the base pairs. Taq polymerase then elongates that base pair. Electrophoresis is used to separate the DNA for visualization in the agarose gels.

           We predict, based upon these previous experiments, that a greater group size in both organisms will lead to an increase in head-tossing in pre-flight departure (Raveling, 1969). Additionally, we predict, once the gene is isolated, that the molecular weight of the base pairs will be the same for both the human and duck (product). This means that the molecular weights will align at the same point on the DNA ladder of the human and the duck (Bio-Rad, 2016).


Responsibility by: Meghan Lederman

Observational Study in Mallard Ducks

           We conducted an observational study of Mallard Ducks near the Michigan State University Main Library on the Red Cedar River. Observations occurred one hour a day twice a week for nine weeks. All observational periods were conducted between 8 AM and 5 PM to coincide with ducks diurnal behavior (Orrin, 2014). The date, time, weather, and all observations were recorded to account for differences in environmental conditions. Data sets collected were: the number of ducks present and the number of head tosses performed (Raveling, 1969). Head tosses were characterized by a rapid side-to-side motion of the head. The time at which each action occurred was recorded to determine the time and frequency at which the communications took place before flight. Any additional observational notes regarding flock activities and behaviors were recorded numerically throughout the time spent observing. The photograph/video iPhone application was used to take photographs and video recordings of the ducks to document the observational data. After the observational period concluded, a correlation test was used to determine if there was a correlation between the number of head movements in the time leading up to departure and the ducks departing an area.

Playback in Mallard Ducks

           To act as a control by determining if sound plays an effect on the amount of communication in Mallard Ducks, we conducted a playback experiment near the Michigan State University Main Library on the Red Cedar River. The experiment was conducted during a one-hour time span once a week for nine weeks, between 8 AM and 5 PM, as previously mentioned. The date, time and weather were recorded to account for any environmental variables. The number of ducks was recorded. Three observers were present during this experiment. If ducks were present within a 20-meter range of the observers, various sounds were played to the Mallard Ducks. Vocalizations that induce flight were found, and to act as a positive control, one observer played a Mallard Duck vocalization from for 30 seconds over a Jawbone Jambox Bluetooth Speaker, knowing this would induce departure. After the synthetic vocalization concluded, observer 2 recorded any response vocalizations made by the ducks using the Microphone iPhone attachment mentioned above and the photograph/video iPhone application. Observer 3 simultaneously recorded how many ducks left the 20 meter range as a result of the synthetic vocalizations. Sounds that do not induce flight were found, and the experiment was then repeated with the sound of human clapping, to act as a negative control, because clapping does not induce flight. After the observations were recorded, the standard deviation was found to determine if the body communication in ducks decreased when the varying sounds were played.

Observational Study in Humans

           We carried out an observational study of humans at Holmes Hall and Snyder-Phillips Dining Hall at Michigan State University. Observations occurred two times per week for nine weeks in a time span of one hour each. The subjects observed were students of Michigan State University, chosen randomly. The date, time and cafeteria observations were recorded. The qualitative data recorded corresponded to the main components used in the observational study of Mallard Ducks: the number of subjects present, the number of head tosses performed by the subjects, and the number of leaving vocalizations made by all subjects present at the table being observed. Head tosses were characterized by a side-to-side movement of the head and the averted view of the subject from the table. Leaving vocalizations are classified by any English phrases associated with departure from an area (i.e. bye, gotta go, see you later, etc.). The time at which each action occurred was recorded to determine the time and frequency at which the communications took place before departure from the cafeteria. The number of movements was recorded from the first observation until every subject left the table, as first seen in Dr. Martino-Saltzmans published paper (Martino-Saltzman et al., 1991). The photograph/video iPhone application was used to take photographs and video recordings of the humans to document the observational data. After the observational period concluded, the chi-squared test of independence was used to determine the impact of number of subjects present on body communication approaching departure from the cafeteria.

Playback in Humans

           To act as a control and determine if vocal communication played a more important role than body communication, a playback experiment involving Michigan State University students was conducted in Holmes Hall and Snyder-Phillips Dining Halls at Michigan State University. The experiment was conducted during a 45-minute time span once a week for nine weeks. The date, time, cafeteria, and all qualitative observations were recorded. A speaker was not used because students would not be affected by an outside voice, so people acted as the speaker. Prior to arriving at the cafeteria, volunteers were contacted in order to set up a time to observe their group during a normal meal time. The volunteer was instructed to not disclose any information about the experiment to any outside parties. They were instructed to use the Voice Memo application on the IPhone to document the vocalizations during the meal. After arriving at the cafeteria, the number of subjects sitting at the observed table was recorded. Observers were sitting at tables near the subjects, while also eating to maintain consistency with their environment, and recording the subjects with the photograph/video iPhone application with a concealed phone. Observations were made regarding any physical communication (i.e. head turning) that accompanied the leaving vocalization. To act as a positive control, the volunteer acted as a speaker, and after thirty minutes, vocally signaled a departing phrase. This acted as a positive control because this phrase is likely to induce others to leave the cafeteria with the volunteer. During the thirty minutes, the volunteer acted as a negative control, by engaging in normal conversation that would not induce others to leave the cafeteria. After the observations were recorded, the standard deviation was used to find the percent of subjects present that left the cafeteria after the leaving vocalization playback occurred, and to determine if the amount of body communication decreased when sounds were heard.

Gene Analysis

           Gene analysis needed to be performed to determine that the Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Gene was present in Mallard Ducks and Humans, proving that there is a connection between Mallard Ducks and Humans. This began with DNA Purification, followed by PCR, and gel electrophoresis.

DNA Purification

           When the mallard duck blood was centrifuged, the temperature was measured between 15-25 degrees Celsius. 20 microliters of proteinase K was pipetted into a microtube, the position of the blood was identified with a well plate register. 200 microliters of a phosphate buffer solution suspended the blood. 20 microliters of proteinase K was added again to the samples as well as 200 microliters of Buffer AL. Each tube was sealed with a cap. A cover was placed over the microtubes and for 15 seconds the racks of tubes were shaken. The caps were then centrifuged until it reached 3000 rpm. Incubation occurred at 56 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, and during this time, a weight remained on top of the caps, mixing from time to time. After the caps were taken off, 200 microliters of ethanol was added to the current sample. Once again the microtubes were sealed off with caps with a clear cover on top and shaken for 15 seconds (Qiagen Inc., 2006). The sample was centrifuged until it reached 3000 rpm. Two DNeasy 96 plates given in the qiagen kit were placed on top of the S-Blocks and marked. The lysis mixture was dispensed into the wells of the DNeasy plates and were sealed with an AirPore Tape Sheet. The sample was centrifuged for 4 minutes at 6000 rpm. The tape was removed, and 500 microliters of Buffer AW1 was added. Another tape sheet was added to the plate and the sample was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 2 minutes. The tape was again removed, and 500 microliters of Buffer AW2 solution was added. The solution was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 15 minutes. Plates were placed on an Elution Microtubes RS. 200 microliters of Buffer AE were added for elution to occur. Incubation at room temperature occurred for one minute, using AirPore Tape Sheets to seal the samples. The sample was then centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 4 minutes. These methods were repeated for the human blood. (Qiagen Inc., 2006).


           For annealing to take place in PCR, the correct primers were chosen to bind a single strand of DNA from the blood of the mallard duck taken from a laboratory on the campus of Michigan State University and hair from a human. Twenty base pairs were identified in the human and mallard duck genomes to create the primers. Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) was the company that produced these primers. Annealing temperature was calculated with the formula provided in the lab manual, which is: Tm=64.9o C + 41oC x (number of Gs and Cs in the primer-16.4)/N, where N is the length of the primer (Igert, et al., 2015).


           The Type-It Microsatellite PCR kit was used to obtain the separate animals genotype. Equal concentrations of all primers were used. The 2x Type-It Multiplex PCR Master Mix, template DNA, RNase-free water, and primer mix were all thawed and placed into PCR tubes along with the template DNA. PCR tubes were put into the thermocycler. Initial activation occurred for five minutes at 95 degrees Celsius, followed by 28 cycles of denaturation at 95 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds, annealing at 60 degrees Celsius for 90 seconds, and extension at 72 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds. This was followed by a final extension for 30 minutes at 60 degrees Celsius. The sample was then analyzed using the capillary sequencer instrument (Qiagen Inc., 2009).

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

           0.4 grams of agarose was combined with 40 mL of 1X TBE Solution and brought to a boil with a microwave. The solution was cooled to a comfortable touch. 4 microliters of SybrSafe was added to the solution and swirled until the color changed. The mixture was poured into a casting tray, and a comb was placed to form the wells of the gel. After the gel solidified, the DNA samples of the duck and humans were loaded into the wells, as well as a Kb ladder to act as a control and indicator of molecular weight, where the wells are closest to the negative electrode. 1X TBE Solution was added to the device to flood the gel. The black and red electrodes were connected to the negative and positive terminals, respectively. A switch was flipped to turn on a power source and voltage was set to 100 volts. The gels were run until the loading dye was three-quarters down the gel. The power source was turned off, and the gel was placed under a UV light to observe the results. The ladder was used to find the relative molecular weight of the bands shown, and the band sizes were recorded.


Responsibility by: Sabrina Cleis

Mallard Ducks

           As pigeons approach flight, there is an increased neck stretching or looking upwards (Davis, 1975), which is also true for head-shaking in swans (Black, 1988). This shows there is a commonality among different types of birds for preflight communication. We predict that head tossing frequency in Mallard Ducks will increase approaching flight, and especially in a group of four or more ducks (Figure 1) because the total number of head-tosses before flight for a single goose was found to be 4.5 and was found to be 171 in families of four (Raveling, 1969). Head tossing was found to reach its peak intensity right before flight in geese, leading us to believe the same results will be true for Mallard Ducks (Raveling, 1969).


           Humans replicate interactive behaviors in order to communicate with one another, which is seen in studies done to improve communication (Mohammad & Nishida, 2015). When a communication behavior is displayed, there are steps taken to learn the meaning and to replicate it in a homologous situation. We predict that head tossing frequency in humans will increase approaching departure from the cafeteria, and especially in a group of four or more subjects (Figure 2) because humans learn and mimic social behaviors for communication (Mohammad & Nishida, 2015), and research has shown an increase in amount of movement before departure from an area (Martino-Saltzman et al., 1991).

Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase Gene

           We predict that the dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene (DBH) found in human and Mallard Duck DNA will have the same molecular weight (Figure 3) because data shows that DBH was found in both species and they both have a molecular mass of 1869.755 base pairs (DBH Gene, 2016). The molecular weights will align at the same point on the DNA ladder of the human and the duck (Bio-Rad, 2016).


Responsibility by: Maggie McDonald

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Predicted Figures

Responsibility by: Sabrina Cleis

A. B.

Figure 1. Predicted results of Mallard Duck observations and playback experiment. A. GIF showing site of observation and playback experiment for Mallard Ducks. Observations occurred for one hour, twice a week for nine weeks by the Red Cedar River near the Michigan State University Main Library. B. The number of ducks present and number of head tosses (rapid movement of the head from left to right) were recorded while observing Mallard Ducks near the Michigan State University Main Library on the Red Cedar River. The time at which each action occurred was recorded to determine the time and frequency at which the communication behavior took place before flight. After the observational period concluded, the average head tosses per duck in relation to time approaching flight were compared between groups. We predict that head tossing frequency in Mallard Ducks will increase approaching flight, and especially in a group of four or more ducks because the total number of head-tosses before flight for a single goose was found to be 4.5 and was found to be 171 in families of four (Raveling, 1969). Future work would include performing a correlation test to determine the impact of number of ducks present on social communication approaching flight. C. A playback experiment was conducted in the same location as the observational study of Mallard Ducks. The number of ducks present in a 20 meter range was recorded prior to the initiation of the synthetic vocalization. Once the vocalization finished playing for 30 seconds from a Bluetooth speaker, the response vocalizations were recorded using a Microphone iPhone attachment. The number of ducks departing the 20 meter range as a result of the synthetic vocalizations was recorded and also captured on video using a smartphone. This procedure was repeated with the use of human clapping as a negative control. After the observations were recorded, the percent of ducks that left the parameter after the playback vocalization was found. We predict that a synthetic duck vocalization will elicit departure in Mallard Ducks because vocalizations have been shown to communicate leaving behaviors in Canadian Geese (Raveling, 1969). Future work would include performing a chi square test for independence to determine the impact of playback vocalization on leaving behavior in different groups of ducks.

A. B.


Figure 2. Predicted and observed results from cafeteria observations of humans. A. GIF of Holmes Hall Cafeteria. Observations occurred for one hour, twice a week for nine weeks in Holmes Hall and Snyder Phillips Hall cafeterias at Michigan State University. B. The number of head movements (a deep turn of the head to the left or right) was recorded in various group settings. Observations began when the first head movement was observed, and ended when the group departed from the cafeteria. Our results indicate that in groups with a greater number of people, there is an increased amount of head movements. We predict that there will be an increase in the number of head movements in groups with a greater amount of individuals because studies show that humans learn and mimic social behaviors for communication (Mohammad & Nishida, 2015), and research has shown an increase in amount of movement before departure from an area (Martino-Saltzman et al., 1991). Future work would include performing a correlation test to determine the impact of number of people present on social communication approaching departure. C. Playback experiments were performed to determine if a departing vocalization affected the amount of communication behaviors made by humans before departure from the cafeteria. A volunteer acted as a positive control; they sat down to eat and then waited thirty minutes before saying a departing phrase, such as bye or gotta go. Meanwhile, not saying any departing phrases acted as a negative control. We predict that when the positive control is enacted, it will elicit departure from the cafeteria by the humans present in the group. This is because Joseph Dunbar concluded that because the neocortex in humans is larger, humans are more comfortable in greater groups of people, therefore students want to depart the cafeteria together, to remain in larger groups (Dunbar, 1993). This would mean that humans are affected by departing phrases, and affect the amount of physical communication made.

Figure 3. Predicted results of agarose gel electrophoresis after PCR amplifies the copies of DNA segments. A primer was found from human DNA for dopamine beta hydroxylase in exon 3. The forward primer 5 prime-GCTGCAGGACGGC-3 prime. The reverse primer was 3 prime-GAAGCCCTTTGGAAGCTCCT-5 prime (Zhang et al., 2000). The following primers were used during the PCR. Temperatures were set for denaturation, annealing, extension, and final extension for the duck and human PCR runs. Denaturation occurred for 30 seconds at 95 degrees Celsius. Annealing temperature was calculated from the following equation: Tm= 64.9°C + 41°C * (number of G and Cs in primer -16.4)/N (Igert, et al., 2015). Calculated possible temperatures were 48.5 degrees Celsius for the human forward primer and 53.83 degrees Celsius for the reverse primer. An annealing temperature of 47 degrees Celsius was used. In ducks the forward primer was 5 prime-CGGGCACAGCTCGTATTTTG-3 prime and the reverse primer was 3 prime-TCTCCTGGCTGGGGATAACA-5 prime. Melting temperature was calculated for the forward and reverse primers at 55.8 and 62.03 degrees Celsius, respectively. The annealing temperature was set to 55 degrees Celsius. Extension occurred in both for 30 seconds at 72 degrees Celsius. Final extension occurred for 30 minutes at 60 degrees Celsius, totaling 28 cycles. Gel electrophoresis was run and the gel was placed under UV light to observe the results (Qiagen Inc., 2009). The molecular weights on the side ladder align with the duck and human bands at 1864 bp.

Figure 4. Documentary showcasing LB 144 research project. Video recordings were taken from early September until mid November documenting the research process undergone during the 2016 Fall Semester of LB 144. The footage was then made into a film showcasing the process.