Genotypic identification of Forkhead Box P2 found linked allele
PCR in Homo sapiens and Xenopus tropicalis
Sydney Kruse, Monica Ward, Samantha Rogers, Emily Liddicoat. Megan
LB 145 Cell and Molecular Biology
Monday and Wednesday 7-9 PM
George Hyde, Zach Kranz, and Melissa Ungkuldee
The Forkhead Box
P2 gene (FOXP2) is linked to speech and language development in the fetus and
adult brain of humans (Turner et al., 2013). Mutations of FOXP2 are
known to cause the majority of speech disorders including Childhood Apraxia of
Speech (CAS) (Morgan et al., 2016). The purpose of this study was to
clone the wild-type FOXP2 gene in humans using allele specific PCR and gel electrophoresis,
along with the identification of FOXP2 in a previously unstudied homolog, the
Tropical Clawed Frog. Human wild type DNA amplified for the FOXP2 gene produced
bands at 56 base pairs following PCR and gel electrophoresis (Bruce and
Margolis, 2002). Forward and reverse primers were designed by the genomic
alignment of several different species in order to ultimately determine if the
FOXP2 gene is homologous in the Tropical Clawed Frog. If the FOXP2 gene was
present it could imply a similar role in language development in the Tropical
Clawed Frog as in humans. Further experiments are needed to manipulate primers
to produce bands after gel electrophoresis. It was hypothesized that the use of
allele specific primers with calculated annealing temperatures and
concentrations of the PCR cocktail manipulated successfully, the FOXP2 gene
would appear around 56 base pairs in humans and if present in the Tropical
Clawed Frog, 1,234 base pairs (Hiroshige et al., 2009). The published
primers were successful in amplifying the target region of human DNA to confirm
the presence of the FOXP2 gene. Communication is an important part in animal
lives not only including humans, the ability to communicate to future mates is
essential for the survival of a species. By studying the genes that are
involved in language you can unlock how certain mutations cause problems in
other species as well as map how the ability to communicate has evolved
throughout evolution. In fact, research has suggested the changes in amino acid
coding in humans show the FOXP2 gene to be a target of directional selection
during recent human evolution (Hiroshige et al., 2009).
The forkhead box P2 (FOXP2) gene, located on chromosome seven, is
a gene that is associated with speech and language developments in the brain
before and after birth (Murray et al., 2015). The mutant strain of the
FOXP2 is responsible for speech disorders, such as childhood apraxia of speech,
and can cause decreased oral motor function and quality of speech, specifically
difficulties in movement and accurately sequencing speech sounds into
syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences (Morgan et al.,
2016). The FOXP2 gene in human DNA, a 56 base pair sequence, was amplified
using PCR, primers from a published paper, and gel electrophoresis (Hiroshige
et al., 2009). Due to the small size of the amplified region, a 120 ng/µl
50 base pair ladder was obtained from Empirical Bioscience, and a 2% agarose
gel was made to accommodate the smaller base pair product. Primers were also
designed to find a homologous gene in the Tropical Clawed Frog, using PCR and
gel electrophoresis. The presence of a homolog denotes a common ancestor, in
this case a common origin for speech and language for humans and the Tropical
Clawed Frog (Pearson, 2013). It was hypothesized that allele specific primers
and correct annealing temperatures, in combination with PCR and gel
electrophoresis, would yield a band at 56 base pairs in length in human DNA
(Hiroshige et al., 2009). In addition, it was also hypothesized that PCR
and gel electrophoresis, each run with designedF and designedR primers and
correct annealing temperatures, would yield a band of 1,234 base pairs in
length if the Tropical Clawed frog is homologous to humans (Pearson. 2013).
Original Predictions
Allele specific PCR for the obtained FOXP2 primers amplified the
DNA and allowed gel electrophoresis to determine if the given DNA was positive
or negative for the FOXP2 gene. There were two different published primers
used, FOXP2F and FOXP2R, to evaluate the FOXP2 gene (Hiroshige et al.,
2009). A successful annealing of the primers was hypothesized to produce a band
of 56 base pairs. In addition, forward and reverse allele specific primers,
designedF and designedR, were designed to determine if the Tropical Clawed Frog
was an animal homolog. A band around 1,234 base pairs was hypothesized when
using the primers for the Tropical Clawed Frog DNA.
Results and Ultimate
After running multiple different PCR cocktails, the temperatures
for the annealing stage of the lambda cocktail that yielded the best results
were 50.5¡C and 57.4¡C with a concentration of 1 µl of lambda DNA and 5 µl of each
primer. In the lambda experiment, the RZ gene was
amplified and this served as a positive control within the overall experiment.
The RZ gene was amplified using PCR and then read using gel electrophoresis,
where bands were shown at 396 base pairs (Toba, 2011). The lambda test, as a
positive control, ensured that PCR and gel electrophoresis were able to produce
results. There was a secondary positive control in the E.coli experiment.
The concentrations for this experiment were the same as the lambda experiment,
with different primers and DNA. The annealing temperatures for E.coli
was run on a gradient from 44.0¡C to 46.6¡C. Nuclease free water served
as a negative control, where the PCR cocktail was held constant and nuclease
free water was substituted for the lambda. There were no bands expected, in
order to ensure that no contamination occurred during PCR and gel electrophoresis.
human DNA had to purified in order to be used in the PCR cocktail. For DNA
purified with QIAGENÕs Blood and Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen Inc.,
the yielded genomic DNA had to be run through a spectroscope (Alameda, CA). The
yield of genomic DNA depends on the number of cells and the capacity of the
genomic tip used. The concentration of DNA can be determined using the
absorbance at 260 nm, which should be between 0.1 and 1.0 to be accurate. The
purity can also be determined by calculating the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm
and 280 nm. A pure DNA solution should have a ratio between 1.7 and 1.9. DNA
absorbs light at 260 nm and contaminants absorb at 280 nm. The more
contaminants there are, such as proteins, the lower the ratio. However, DNA
isnÕt the only thing that absorbs DNA at 260 nm. If there is too much
absorbance at 260 nm the ratio will be too high to be pure DNA (Mitra. 2004).
The sample of human DNA that was purified with QIAGENÕs Blood and Cell Culture
DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen Inc. (Alameda, CA) was calculated to be 1.9865. The
ratio was too high and most likely had contaminants in addition to DNA. This
was most likely why this sample of DNA did not yield any bands.
PCR was performed on human DNA to amplify the FOXP2 gene. By
performing multiple experiments, the optimal annealing temperature was found to
be 55℃. The human results at 56 base pairs confirmed the hypothesis that
the correct annealing temperatures and primers would yield the correct band
length. The Tropical Clawed Frog DNA went through similar rigorous testing,
however, there were no bands produced for the multiple different annealing
temperature trials. The Tropical Clawed Frog DNA yielded insufficient results
and did not support our hypothesis. The frog trials generated a primer dimer as
well as a band appearing in the well, which denotes a region that was too large
when amplified. This is most likely due to primers that did not anneal to the
desired part of the frog genome.
Figure 1. Amplification of human genome using
PCR and gel electrophoresis. (A) A target region of
human genome was amplified using FOXP2F and FOXP2R primers to make a product 56
base pairs long. A master mix for PCR was
made using 152 µl nuclease free water, 28 µl of 10x PCR buffer, 2 µl of Taq
Polymerase, 4 µl of dNTPs, and 4 µl of each primer. This master mix was
pipetted into three, 49 µl reaction samples, and 1 µl of DNA was added to each
sample. The samples were ran for 30 seconds at 94¡C for the denaturing phase,
55¡C for 1 minute for the annealing phase, and for 15 seconds at 65¡C for the
elongation phase for a total of 35 cycles. The initial step ran for 9 minutes
at 95 ¡C and the final step at 60¡C for 30 minutes. A 2% agarose gel was made
with 49 ml of 1X TBE (Tris/Borate/EDTA) buffer, 1.0 g of 100% agarose powder,
and 5 µl of 10000x SYBR Safe. This gel ran for 15 minutes at 110 V. A 1kb plus
DNA ladder with a concentration of 1 µg/µl was used in well one, with an 8 µl:
1 µl: 1 µl nucleus free water to DNA to loading dye ratio. Well two was loaded
with PCR product annealed at 55¡C, well three at 55¡C, well four at 55¡C, well
five at 55¡C, well six was loaded with a positive control ran at 50¡C, and well
seven was loaded with a 1kb plus DNA ladder with a concentration of 1 µg/µl,
with an 8 µl: 1 µl: 1 µl nucleus free water to DNA to loading dye ratio. The
gel was placed under an ultraviolet light to observe the bands created in the
PCR product. (B) Migration distance vs molecular size of 1 kb Plus DNA ladder
was plotted and analyzed using a semi-log plot. The x-values are the distance
in centimeters that the bands in the ladder traveled away from the wells and
the y-values are the base pair length of the corresponding bands. The trend
line was created to form an equation for analysis of the base pair length of
the amplified human genome. The distance traveled by the PCR product from the
well (3.95 cm) was inputted for the x-value of the equation. The y-value
derived from this calculation is the base pair length of the product (56 bp)
for the lane that produced a slight band (lane 3 and 4) around 3.95 cm in
distance. Indicating that most likely the primers did not anneal to the genome,
but instead themselves. The R2 value is the fit of the trend line, where a
value of 1 would represent a perfect fit.