Student Research Projects from Spring 2017

In Spring 2017 for a second time, student research teams could complete a full year-long research experiment (this was part of the second offering the BioCore curriculum). Teams were permitted to continue their animal behavior research begun in Fall Semester during Biology I (LB144) but now take it to the molecular level (**study a gene connected to the behavior). Two groups were also approved to pursue a sociological experiment with documentary film.

NOTE: Student work was graded in a blinded environment, so instructors did not know who's paper they were grading. To support blind grading students replaced their names with codes. Some forgot to return their names on the final manuscripts online.

Student websites reporting their findings at the end of the independent investigations from Spring Semester 2017 (the second semester of BioCore)
ATP7B: Gel electrophoresis shows PCR a valid method of amplifying FGFR3 gene in IB3 cells

**DISC1: Amplified DISC1 Gene in Homo Sapiens and A. Patagonicus Linked to Bipolar Disorder with PCR and Gel Electrophoresis.

**DRD4: PCR & Agarose Gel Analysis of Human, Cow & 9 Other Class Mammalia Species: Increased Region of Conservation in DRD4 Gene.

**DRD4m: Using PCR and Gel Electrophoresis to Amplify and Detect the DRD4 Gene in Human and Dog DNA.

**ForkheadBox: Genotypic identification of Forkhead Box P2 found linked allele specific PCR in Homo sapiens and Xenopus tropicalis.

**GABRA1: Designed PCR based on genome homology successful at amplifying GABRA1 gene at 460 base pairs in Delphinapterus leucas (and sociological experiment).

**MAOA: Using PCR primers as diagnostic assay for mutation in human MAOA gene and in mapping a piece of fainting goat genome.

**MAOA gene: Analysis and replication of Human MAOA using PCR and proposed primers for homolog gene replication.

**MAOA mutation: Identification of the MAOA Gene in H. sapiens and T. guttata via PCR and Gel Electrophoresis.

**PPAR gene: Presence of PPAR-γ in H. sapiens and C. crocuta through PCR and Electrophoresis: Genetic Correlation to Overeating (and sociological experiment)

**TPH1 gene: Discovery of Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1 Gene in Homo Sapiens and Class Actinopterygii Using PCR & Gel Electrophoresis.