Genomic Identification and Amplification of the
SCGB1A1 Gene in Homo Sapien IB3-1 Cell DNA Using PCR
and Gel Electrophoresis
By: Zachary Kranz, Andrea Hess, Shelby Hughey, Mohammad Islam
LB 145 Cell and Molecular Biology
Monday and Wednesday 7 PM
Anthony Watkins, Caleigh Griffin, Rajvinder Singh
SCGB1A1 gene is associated with an anti-inflammatory protein, uteroglobin, and
is known to cause asthma if mutated (Laing et al, 1998). This experiment tried to answer the
question of whether it was possible to identify and distinguish variants of
this gene by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel
electrophoresis. The purpose for
attempting to amplify the SCGB1A1 gene using published primers was to provide
evidence supporting a viable method of cloning the wild-type SCGB1A1 gene in
order to differentiate the wild-type from mutants of the gene. Amplification of a desired gene segment
of the SCGB1A1 gene from human IB3-1 cell DNA was attempted with PCR. This experiment was designed so that the
SCGB1A1 wild-type gene was be targeted by published primers that anneal at the
calculated annealing temperature of 53.25 ¡C and replicated by Taq polymerase during PCR (Laing et
al, 1998). The genomic identity
of the amplified DNA was then analyzed using gel electrophoresis to identify
that PCR amplification worked and that the bands contained the desired base
pair length. It was hypothesized that the SCGB1A1 gene that is wild-type for
uteroglobin could be identified, isolated, and amplified using PCR and gel
electrophoresis because Muller-SchottleÕs primers
that were previously successful in amplifying the SCGB1A1 gene were being used
in this PCR technique. Analysis of the SCGB1A1 gene that went through PCR
amplification and gel electrophoresis suggests that PCR did not work for this
gene because there were no bands present. Slight smearing was found in one gel
however this may have been the result of contamination
in the PCR cocktail because it was not present in subsequent gels made with
similar PCR cocktails. Future experiments with a different set of primers may
be required to amplify the SCGB1A1 gene. Experiments like this are important
because they help other researchers differentiate between wild-type genes and
mutant ones.
Experiment Summary
Asthma is a condition in the lungs where
bronchial tubes are narrower, causing shortness of breath upon contraction (Kim
and Mazza, 2011). The SCGB1A1 gene, which codes for
uteroglobin, is considered to be related to asthma
(Choi et al, 2000). Polymorphisms
of SCGB1A1, where an adenine to guanine substitution occurs at position 38,
affects the production of uteroglobin, increasing susceptibility to bronchial
asthma in patients (Laing et al, 1998).
The question arises, is it possible to
identify and distinguish the variants of this gene that are benign from those
that could cause more harm? It was hypothesized that with PCR
amplification and gel electrophoresis the wild-type SCGB1A1 gene could be
isolated, identified, and analyzed because MŸller-SchšttleÕs
primers that were previously successful in amplifying the SCGB1A1 gene are
being used in our PCR techniques (MŸller-Schšttle, et
al., 1999). With proper methodology, published primers, and strong controls,
the 4,042 base pair length gene would be amplified (Taylor, et al., 2006).
In an attempt to detect the SCGB1A1 gene,
PCR was used to amplify DNA from cultured wild-type cells of cystic fibrosis
patients. The cells were obtained from biomedical facilities at Michigan State
University. PCR was used in an attempt to amplify the target sequence allowing
a large enough sample for analysis by gel electrophoresis (Dieffenbach,
1993). A 1 Kb+ ladder was used to create a semi-log plot to determine the exact
distance traveled by the bands in the gel electrophoresis. Our ultimate
predictions were that the 4,042 base pair targeted sequence on the SCGB1A1 gene
would be successfully amplified with the use of gel electrophoresis and PCR.
Original Predictions
It was predicted that the SCGB1A1 gene
purification would yield 15-20 micrograms of DNA because that is the yield
given by the manufacturers of the DNA purification mini kit when using 106
cells (Phillips et. al., 2012).
For the positive control, it was
predicted that successful amplification of the target sequence in the E.Coli DNA would
produce segments of length 521 base pairs when using the annealing temperature
of 47.75¡C because the
primers used were previously used in published articles and were shown to be
successful (Hanych et. al., 1993). Polymerase chain
reaction was used in an attempt to amplify the SCGB1A1 gene. The optimal
temperature for annealing used was 53.2 ¡C because the optimal temperature for
annealing for the forward and reverse primers was calculated to be 55.4 ¡C and
53.2 ¡C respectively, where the higher calculated temperature could potentially
break down the forward primer (Dieffenbach, 1993).
The correct amplification using the
forward and reverse primers in the analysis of the SCGB1A1 gene was expected to
show a band of 4,042 base pairs because the forward primer anneals to the
62,419,113 – 62,419,132 base pair, and the reverse primer anneals to the
62,423,136 – 62,423,155
base pair (Taylor et. al,
2006). The difference between
62,419,132 and 62,423,136 is 4,042, which is the length of the SCGB1A1 gene.
Ultimate Findings
The results from running the gel
electrophoresis showed that the attempt to amplify the target sequence was
unsuccessful because no bands were visible in the trials. The published primers
were unable to anneal to the template strand of DNA, and there were no distinct
bands present to use the semi-log plot. This smearing may have been the result
of contamination in the wells. Neither trial matched the 4,042 base pair length
of the targeted sequence of the SCGB1A1 gene, refuting our hypothesis. There
was error associated with determining a good temperature gradient for our PCR
reactions. In addition to this, there was weakness in our initial experimental
design since not enough research was performed initially to ensure we had the
best methods. Over time, our methodology became stronger; however, this set us
back in the beginning of our research.
The average amount of purified DNA
collected was 6.775mg per trial. The average absorbance of
our DNA was 1.8285, which shows our DNA was not contaminated (Volker et. al.,
1982). Pure DNA has an A260/ A280 ratio of 1.8-2.0 in 10 mM Tris-HCl (Volker et. al.,
1982). If there is strong absorbance, the ratio will be smaller, indicating
contaminants are present. If there is strong absorbance at 270nm-275nm, that
indicates there may be phenol groups present (Volker et. al., 1982)
It was determined that the primers were
ineffective since there were multiple trials run and still there was no success
in annealing. This means more experimental trials will have to be done with
different designed or published primers for the SCGB1A1 gene.
The E.Coli primers were used for the
positive and negative controls (Hanych et. al.,
1993). For the negative control, there is primer dimer at the bottom of
the gel around base pair length 20, which is expected since there was no DNA
used in the PCR cocktail for the negative control. There was success in
amplifying the 16S rDNA E.Coli gene, which is supported
with a semi-log plot using a 1 Kb+ ladder.
Results and Ultimate
PCR and gel electrophoresis methods in an
attempt to amplify the SCGB1A1 gene failed. There are multiple potential
explanations for this. The primers used could not anneal to the target sequence
or there may have been a contamination. Another explanation is that the
calculated annealing temperature might not optimal for both primers to anneal to
the target sequence, requiring a temperature between the original two
temperatures calculated. The annealing temperatures were calculated using the
following equation: Tm = 64.9¡C + 41¡C (# of GÕs + # of CÕs in primer
-16.4)/N, where N is the number of base pairs in the primers (Ingert, et al.). Instead of this equation, finding a
different one that is more accurate would potentially fix that problem.
It is difficult to draw conclusions from
the previous results. The results do not support nor refute the hypothesis, instead the research is not yet completed. The
hypothesis is somewhat negated since the previously published primers were
unsuccessful, which was not expected. A negative result was obtained, and due
to this, future research is still necessary.
Figure 7. Bands developed after running a gel
electrophoresis of IB3-1 cells for SCGB1A1 gene. Gel electrophoresis was conducted after
PCR amplification of the SCGB1A1 gene. A PCR cocktail was made that contained 1
µl of Taq polymerase, 5 µl of PCR buffer, 3 µl of 50 mM MgSO4, 1 µl of dNTPs, 2.5 µl
of each primer, 1.5 µl of template DNA, and 33.5 µl of H2O. The cocktail was run in a thermocycler
at the following conditions: 5-minute
initial denaturation at 95¡C, then 35 cycles of: 30
seconds denature at 95¡C, then 30 seconds of
annealing at a gradient of 50-56¡C, then 30 seconds of extension at 72¡C. After these 35 cycles, there was a 5-minute final elongation
phase at 72¡C.
A 0.8% agarose gel was made using 0.8g agarose, 95 mL distilled water, 5
mL LB Buffer and 1 µl GloGreen. 1 µl Kb+ ladder, 1µl purple (6X) no SDS loading
dye and 4 µl H2O was mixed using a Vortex machine. 10 µl PCR cocktail
and 5 µl of purple (6X) no SDS loading dye were mixed
together with a Vortex machine as well. Wells 2-8 were
loaded with 10 µl of the PCR and dye mixture. The resulting lines of bands
(shown by the arrow) suggest that either the DNA was not purified enough or the
primers annealed to themselves. (Narita et. al., 2002).