Diagnosing Hypolactasia by Genotyping MCM6 Gene SNP C/T-13910

In human IB3-1 cell lines via Allele Specific PCR




Alec Aiello,  Jon Dokter, Hassan Fadel, and Adam Matynowski




LB 145 Cellular and Molecular Biology

Section 008

Dr. Doug Luckie

April 22, 2013





Written By: A45273225
Revised By: A45259189
Finalized By: A44174805


The C/T-13910 mutation on the MCM6 gene is the root cause of the persistence of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LCT) gene expression (Bulhões et al, 2007). The C/T-13910 mutation involves a single cytosine to thymine base pair substitution 13,910 base pairs upstream of the LCT gene, in intron 13 (Enattah et al, 2002). The presence of the mutation causes lactose persistence in up to 97% of adult cases (Bulhões et al, 2007).  The purpose of our research was to successfully develop a cost effective method to diagnose hypolactasia.  Allele specific PCR was conducted in order to properly genotype human IB3-1 cell lines. The PCR results were used to determine whether samples of DNA were wild type, heterozygous, or homozygous for the C/T-13910 mutation.  Two forward primers (FWTPrimer/FMTPrimer), and one reverse primer (Rprimer), were created to anneal to either mutant or wild-type DNA.  We hypothesized that we could detect the C/T-13910 mutation using PCR and gel electrophoresis because of a single base pair mismatch on the 3' side of the forward primers (Bodlaj et al, 2006). Gel electrophoresis was used to analyze the amplified DNA to identify the presence of C/T-13910. FWTPrimer and FMTPrimer were predicted to yield a single band of 1106 base pairs for homozygous genotypes depending if sample was CC or TT.  Heterozygous DNA was predicted to show a segment of DNA 1106 base pairs long for both primers, due to a CT genotype (Bulhões et al, 2007). The assay was unsuccessful due to lack of mutant DNA availability and unsuccessful custom primers (Figure 4). Mutagenesis was attempted to create mutant DNA but was also unsuccessful (Reikofski & Tao, 1992) Only wild type DNA was used in the assay and no bands were produced when ran through PCR with both FWTprimer and FMTprimer. A sociological experiment in which cafeteria menu options were recorded based on containing lactose was performed to gather information on the limitations patients of hypolactasia endure daily. A test was performed, on top of the data collected, to determine whether soy, almond, or dairy milk was preferred in a blind taste test of 30 individual.





Written by: A45259189
Revised by: A45273225
Finalized by: A44611726


            Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (ASPCR) is a fast and cost-efficient assay for genotyping DNA. Our goal was to discover a method using only ASPCR to successfully identify the presence or absence of the C/T-13910 mutation on the MCM6 gene in order to diagnose hypolactasia in humans. Previous studies have been able to successfully design an assay that identifies the presence or absence of the C/T-13910 mutation, however such assays involved time consuming and expensive processes. For example, a study done in 2007 at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul required the restriction enzyme BsmF1 endonuclease in their PCR assay to identify the C/T-13910 mutation (Bulhoes, 2007). The addition of this restriction enzyme complicates the assay’s procedure and greatly increases the cost of each PCR product made, thus making this process an expensive assay (Bulhoes, 2007). Another study performed at Amherst College in 2012 involved the technique of amplifying the mutation region using PCR, and then using DNA sequencing to genotype the DNA samples (Emerson, 2012). DNA sequencing is very time consuming, and expensive (Emerson, 2012). The methods we performed involved simply one round of PCR and one round of gel electrophoresis in order to diagnose hypolactasia in any given DNA sample.  With our experiment, we attempted to prove that it is possible for cheaper and quicker assay’s to be developed using ASPCR that can diagnose diseases related to SNP’s, especially those related to hypolactasia.

            Our ASPCR methods involved the use of Yaku-Bonczyk primers design in attempt to increase primer discrimination against nonspecific binding (Yaku et al, 2008). We predicted that the traditional primer design methods would lead to false-positive tests, because the single base pair mismatch on the 3’ end of the primer would not create enough specificity with the binding site (Järvelä, 2005). This means that our FWT primer could bind unintentionally with DNA containing the C/T-13910 mutation (Graham et al, 1989). With the Yaku-Bonczyk method, an intentional base pair mismatch near the 3’ end of the primer for both wild and mutant types would increase specificity during PCR, thus reducing the likelihood of a false-positive test (Yaku et al, 2008). We hypothesized that we could detect the C/T-13910 mutation using ASPCR and gel electrophoresis due to the single base pair mismatch on the 3' side of the forward primers (Bodlaj et al, 2006). After running PCR with our primers, they were run through gel electrophoresis to identify the DNA’s genotype based off production of bands. Before using our designed primers, we performed various control experiments involved with PCR to confirm that our procedures would be effective when genotyping our DNA. These control experiments were previously discussed in the paper. From our methods, multiple trials of PCR and gel electrophoresis were run in a range of temperatures and times in attempt to acquire our predicted results. Our methods allowed us to be able to cover a plethora of variables to narrow down a proper ASPCR assay to diagnose hypolactasia.

            After multiple trials of varied experiments, we ultimately were unable to develop a successful assay that could diagnose hypolactasia through identification of the C/T-13910 mutation using ASPCR. In attempt to produce our own mutant DNA, bands were not produced after our mutagenesis assay was run, meaning that we failed to create DNA with the C/T-13910 mutation. This ultimately prevented us from being able to develop an ASPCR assay, because without mutant DNA, we were unable to use our two designed forward primers to discriminate against its respective allele specific site. However, we were able to produce bands from our lambda and control primer assays. This was significant because it proved that our PCR cocktail reagents and gel electrophoresis factors could be used for future experimentations. Additionally, we were successful in extracting human IB3-1 epithelial cells through the Quiagen genomic extraction kit, producing a yield of 385ng of DNA. This DNA was used in future experiments to further develop an ASPCR assay using our designed primers. Although our results did not correlate with our original predictions, ASPCR remains an attractive method in diagnosing hypolactasia. ASPCR with gel electrophoresis is a fast and cost-efficient assay that can be used to diagnose hypolactasia by identifying the C/T-13910 mutation on the MCM6 gene due to primer design that can discriminate against a single nucleotide polymorphism.           

Original Predictions

            Successful annealing of the FWTprimer and Rprimer is predicted to show a DNA segment of 984 base pairs in length, demonstrating a homozygous CC genotype, caused by a lack of the C/T-13910 mutation (Bulhões et al, 2007).  A homozygous TT genotype is expected to show no electrophoresis band when using FWTprimer, due to a lack of the presence of the C/T-13910 mutation, which causes the forward primer to fail to anneal.  In contrast, an electrophoresis band of 984 base pairs in length is expected to be produced when using FMTprimer with homozygous TT genotypes due to the presence of the CàT SNP (Bulhões et al, 2007).  For heterozygous CT genotypes, it is expected that both primers will produce faint 984 base pair length amplifications due to the replication of both the mutant and wild type genotypes.

            In an attempt to gather more information on the lifestyles of individuals diagnosed with hypolactasia, the group will attempt to gather data involving all of MSU's cafeterias and calculate the ratio of lactose-free menu options available for the month of February.  We predicted that not all of the food items available for consumption will be lactose free (Klein et al, 2002).

Ultimate Findings

            Our first attempts to produce ASPCR using Yaku-Bonczyk Primer design resulted in no bands being produced. Additional PCR assays were then ran with varying annealing temperatures above and below the previously used annealing temperature of 63°C in order to eliminate the possibility of our primers not annealing due to temperature issues. The additional PCR assays still resulted in no bands being produced. A new set of primers were then designed, this time being approved as site specific by the Primer BLAST test. Despite our newly designed primers being called site specific by the Primer BLAST test, as well as being ran through PCR with varying annealing temperatures, our desired bands of length 984 base pairs was still not produced in our final gel electrophoresis product. Instead, no solid bands were produced when both the FWTprimer and FMTprimer, in conjunction with Rprimer, were ran with the same DNA, leaving only faded bands at the bottom of the gel which suggests the primers never annealed to the DNA, and the dNTP’s were unused. To troubleshoot our assay once more, we eliminated the possibility of the problem residing in our PCR cocktail. To test this, we made three cocktails: one with FMTprimers, one with FWTprimers, and one with the lambda Rz primers. All of these cocktails had the same exact reagents except for two differences, that being each cocktail had their respective forward and reverse primers and the lambda cocktail had lambda DNA, while the others used our DNA from genome extraction. The resulting gel product produced a bright band in the 500 base pair length range for the lambda PCR product as expected, however no bands were produced in the FMTprimer and FWTprimer PCR product (Figure 8). From this gel product, and the fact that we used a range of different annealing temperatures in previous PCR’s, we can conclude that our assay’s failure was related to our primer design.

Initially we were unable to successfully contact researchers who had previously done work involving the C/T-13910 mutation in hopes of them sending us some DNA with the known SNP. As a result, we attempted to create our own mutant DNA through the process of mutagenesis. Our first attempt of the assay resulted in the production of a gel electrophoresis product with no bands at the desired 4673 and 4885 base pair length location, but instead produced faint, diffuse bands near the bottom of the gel that suggests the primers never annealed, possibly due to the formation of primer dimers (Figure 8). New primers were then developed, ensuring that they were site specific via the BLAST Primer test and primer dimer formation would not occur. Our second attempt of the assay still left us with no bands at the desired location, leaving us with the possibility that our PCR procedure could be corrected. Additionally, we produced 10 different variations of each of the two PCR cocktail’s as stated previously in the methods section, every one ending in failure of the production of bands. After further research we discovered that taq polymerase, the enzyme used in our cocktails for elongation, adds 1000 dNTP’s per minute time elapsed at 72°C (Schirru et al, 2007). Every single PCR we produced beforehand was run with an elongation time of two minutes, leading us to predict that the reason our mutagenesis failed was due to an insufficient time for elongation (Schirru et al, 2007).

            In addition to our efforts of producing a successful ASPCR assay to diagnose hypolactasia, a sociological study was conducted in order to gain a first-hand perspective on living with the hypolactasia disease. We collected a vast amount of data regarding to the ratio of lactose-containing foods to lactose-free foods that were present in all of the cafeterias on Michigan State University’s campus.  A total ratio of .84 lactose free meals per total meals for all eleven cafeterias was calculated.  This leads us to conclude that hypolactasia sufferers living on this campus do not experience a very negative impact to their overall meal choice. Additional sociological experiment was conducted in which we blind taste tested random individuals with three different drinks: 2% milk, almond milk and soy milk. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if people preferred the taste of products that contained lactose (2% milk) over products that did not contain lactose (almond milk and soy milk) in order to determine if people with hypolactasia were required to consume less desirable products. An ANOVA test yielded a statistically significant p-value for comparison between both almond milk and 2% milk, and almond milk and soy milk (figure), which leads us to reject the null hypothesis.  A non-significant value was obtained between 2% milk and soy milk, failing to reject the null hypothesis.

Future Directions

Although we were unsuccessful in producing a successful ASPCR assay to diagnose hypolactasia, there are still many additional adjustments we can make in the future in hopes of achieving our goal. The most important change we would make is pertaining to primer design, as neither our FWTprimer nor our FMTprimer (in combination with Rprimer) were able to produce bands in our gel product. The troubleshooting assumption made for the lack of proper annealing was the result of a hairpin formation on the designed forward primers. Our primer design was made to amplify the region of DNA upstream of our C/T-13910 mutation site, creating an unavoidable area of 3 base pair intraprimer homology on the 3’ end of the forward primers due to the requirement of having complementary bases upstream and downstream of the mutation site. In order to avoid this, future experimentation would comprise of new primers that would amplify a product downstream, rather than upstream, the mutation site. This would remove the necessity of having intraprimer homology on our forward primers, as the bases upstream the mutation site does not require intraprimer homology.

If our newly designed primers still resulted in improper annealing and did not produce the desired bands in our PCR product, then we would abandon our Yaku-Bonczyk primer design and revert to traditional primer design. It is possible that our Yaku-Bonczyk primer design method resulted in the primers not annealing to the target DNA strand, as there were multiple sites of non-complimentary base pair binding sites. While it has been demonstrated in previous studies that the Yaku-Bonczyk primer design increases discrimination against non-specific binding, other studies have been able to successfully produce assays using traditional primer design that diagnose mutations with SNPs (Schirru et al, 2007). The main difference between the Yaku-Bonczyk primer design and traditional primer design is that we would remove the intentional base pair mismatch near the 3’ end of our forward primers, replacing it with the complimentary base pair to the DNA target region. This would increase the probability of our primers binding to their respective DNA target region, as the traditional design method would result in only one base pair mismatch, instead of two base pair mismatches as expressed in the Yaku-Bonczyk design method.

An additional obstacle we encountered with our experimental trials was the inability to acquire/produce mutant DNA for our assay. We attempted to create our own mutant DNA by inducing the C/T-13910 mutation into our genomic DNA via the process of mutagenesis. Ultimately this did not yield our desired first round PCR products of 4637 and 4885 base pair length DNA containing the C/T-13910 mutation, which was indicated by no bands being produced from gel electrophoresis. We predict this failure was likely due to a malfunction of the elongation phase of PCR because research shows taq polymerase adds 1000 dNTP’s for every minute elapsed, and our elongation phase was only ran for two minutes (Schirru et al, 2007). Seeing as our desired PCR products were 4673 and 4885 base pair length, an ample amount of time would be needed for taq polymerase to add the dNTP’s to the extending strand. In future experiments, we would lengthen the elongation phase of PCR to five minutes, as that would provide sufficient time for taq polymerase to completely elongate our targeted region of DNA.



Figures and Tables:


 Figure 3. Gel electrophoresis of the custom ASPCR assay along with lambda as gel control. This 1% agarose gel was run at 95V for 45 minutes before this picture was taken. In wells 1 and 9 there is 9μl of 1kb plus DNA Ladder from Thermo Scientific. In wells 3-5 15μl of FWTPrimer PCR product was loaded. In the remaining wells 6-8 15μl of FMTPrimer PCR Product was loaded. Wells 3 and 8 had an annealing temperature of 63°C, wells 4 and 7 had an annealing temperature of 59.9°C, while wells 5 and 6 had an annealing temperature of 56.5°C. In wells 2 15μl of Lambda PCR product was used as a gel control. From the gel it is easy to see that the custom PCR assay was unsuccessful because the presence of band 1106 bp long was not visible. The gel however was run successfully being bands appeared for lambda. The faint bands at the bottom are most likely primers, which suggests unsuccessful annealing of the custom ASPCR primers even though Primer BLAST determined the primers to be template specific.


