F2853S mutation of PKD in human S9 cells via site-specific primers in PCR and
Gel Electrophoresis
Laura Kwasnik, Joy Burrell, Nick Rochte and Alex Reid
Autosomal dominant
polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is an inherited disease that causes
fluid-filled kidney cysts, ultimately causing renal failure. The F2853S
mutation is a point mutation on the PKD-1 gene and affects Polycystin-1, which
regulates cell growth and proliferation. (Braun, 2009).
A diagnostic assay for this mutation was designed using allele-specific primers
in PCR to screen for F2853S. The hypothesis was that the Yaku-designed primers
would bind only to the targeted region of the PKD-1 gene because two mismatches
between the primers and non-target DNA increase specificity. Site-directed
mutagenesis was used to produce mutated DNA from wild-type DNA from human S9
cells. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to analyze the PCR product.
Twenty-two PCR trials were conducted. The results suggest that the control
primer was the only primer to successfully anneal to mutant or wild-type DNA,
because a 500 b.p. band occurred most consistently at 48¡C. No bands appeared
at the predicted location of 922 base pairs. Success in detecting PKD with PCR
could lead to earlier diagnosis of the disease. A sociological experiment was
conducted to illustrate the difficulty of following a PKD diet. It was
predicted that students would prefer foods with higher sodium content than the
recommended value of 1500 mg per day, and this was supported by a p-value of
0.00005216 (Figure 6). Blood pressure was tracked for a two-week duration of
the diet to see if the diet led to a decrease in blood pressure but there was
not a significant decrease because the p-value was 0.34910 (Figure 6).
Two Replications of identical
PCR cocktail with annealing temperature of 48ûC with Lambda virus control. The three lanes label ÒLÓ all show an Invitrogen
1 Kb Plus DNA ladder used to measure the length in
base pairs. Lane 1 contains wildtype DNA with wildtype primers, Lane 2 contains wildtype
DNA with mutant primers, Lane 3 contains mutant DNA, F2853S mutation of the
PKD-1 gene, with wildtype primers, Lane 4 contains
mutant DNA with mutant primers. Lane 5 shows wildtype
DNA with wildtype primers. Lane 6 contains wildtype DNA with mutant primers, Lane 7 contains mutant
DNA with wildtype primers. Lane 8 contains mutant DNA
with mutant primers. Lanes 9 and 10 contain two identical PCR cocktails of
lambda virus. The DNA was run for 30 cycles. All of the products were exposed
to the same PCR cocktail and same conditions. The denaturation phase was run
for 45 seconds at 94¡C. The annealing phase was run for 35 seconds; however
each set of lanes had a different annealing temperature. Lanes 1-8 were run at
an annealing temperature of 48¡C; lanes 9 and 10 were run at an annealing
temperature of 55¡C, which is the optimum annealing temperature for lambda
virus. The elongation phase was run for 45 seconds at 72¡C. Then, the PCR
products were placed into a 1% agarose gel with LB buffer and stained with ethidium bromide at run at 300V for about 10 minutes. Bright bands are shown at 500 b.p.
at 48 ¡C in lanes 3, 4, 7, and 8 and faint bands are shown in lanes 5 and 6;
these bands were from the control forward primer (CFP) which was designed to
anneal at 500 b.p. Lanes 3, 4, 7, and 8 show streaks.
These streaks could be from protein impurities in the DNA, or from impurities
that occurred during mutagenesis. The annealing temperature of 48¡C was found
to be the most ideal for these PCR conditions. Lane 10 shows the expected 500 b.p. band
for lambda virus. Lambda virus was used as a control; it contains the same PCR
ingredients as the other lanes. This control was used to test to make sure none
of the PCR ingredients were contaminated or old. Lane 9 is also lambda but does
not show the expected 500 b.p. band because a hair was caught in the PCR tube when it was
run through the PCR machine.
Background Information
Polycystic kidney
disease (PKD) is the most prevalent genetic kidney disease in the United States
and affects about one in six hundred to one thousand people worldwide (Tufan et al., 2010, Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007).
Mutations on the PKD-1 and PKD-2 genes cause mutations in the polycystin-1 and
polycystin-2 proteins, which function in the membrane of the cilia of the
kidney tubules (Braun, 2009). When these proteins are mutated, cell
proliferation is not inhibited and fluid-filled cysts form on the kidneys which ultimately lead to kidney failure (Braun 2009).
While PKD mainly affects the kidneys, cysts commonly develop on the liver and
pancreas (Tufan et al., 2010). Other complications of
PKD include hypertension, kidney stones, intracranial aneurysms, cardiac valve
abnormalities, and hernias (Braun, 2009). There is currently no permanent
therapy for PKD that can prevent the cysts from recurring (Takiar
and Caplan, 2010). PKD genetic testing is limited,
and currently ultrasound imaging is the most common way of diagnosing PKD
(Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007). However, this often cannot be used to diagnose
individuals under thirty years because the formation
of cysts is age related (Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007). With further research
and more complete understanding of the function of the polycystin-1 and polycystin-2
proteins, disease-specific therapies could be developed to treat or even
prevent PKD.
The F2853S mutation is
an acquired somatic mutation occurring on chromosome 16 at Exon
23 in which a single point mutation occurs, causing an amino acid substitution
of phenylalanine for serine (Qian et al., 2002). The
hypothesis was that the primers designed would bind to the targeted region of
the PKD-1 gene where the F2853S single base pair substitution mutation occurs
because of the two intentional mismatches in the forward primers for the mutant
and wild-type DNA.
Experimental Predictions
It was predicted that the PCR would show a band at 922 b.p. for
the correct pairing of mutant and wild type DNA with their associated primers
because the forward and reverse primers were designed to anneal 922 b.p. apart. The Yaku method intentionally inserts two
mismatches between a specific primer and the non-target DNA strand; therefore,
it lessens the chance that the primers anneal to the non-target DNA (Yaku et
al., 2008). A control primer was designed to amplify a band of 500 b.p. in
every reaction which would serve as an internal positive control. If this
positive control succeeded, it would show that the cocktail ingredients worked
properly, that thermocycling conditions worked, that
the gel electrophoresis was done properly, and that the reverse primer was
functioning properly (since the control primer used the same reverse primer as
the forward primers did).
Experimental Results
mutagenesis was used to create mutant DNA template for the PCR assay because
the F2853S mutation on chromosome 16 at Exon 23 was not able to be obtained from researchers. This mutant
DNA was run with the PKDF primer and predicted to amplify a band of 922 b.p., and it was also run with the WTF primer as a negative control.
The success of the site-directed mutagenesis procedure was not confirmed, so
this was an experimental weakness.
A Lambda virus PCR cocktail was
used as a positive control to ensure the viability of the PCR cocktail
ingredients. In addition, the Lambda band of 500 b.p. was the approximate
length of the control band. In the first Lambda virus gel (Figure 1), two
bright bands appeared at the expected location. This is in error, because there
should only be one band, and this could have been caused by an error in how the
primers annealed to the DNA. However, this erroneous result did not affect the
later PCR cocktails in which Lambda was used as a control, because different
DNA template was used in the PKD PCR assay, and the correct bands were
obtained. The bands were bright, indicating a large number of amplified DNA of
a specific band length. Although different numbers of cycles were run, one lane
was not noticeably brighter than another lane.
Genomic purification of
S9 cells using the Quiagen Capture Column kit
provided DNA template for the wild-type DNA and site-directed mutagenesis in
the experimental assay. The 260/280 absorbance ratio,
1.284, indicates a low purity compared to the desired range of 1.4-1.9. This
lower purity is due to proteins that were not completely extracted during the
purification process. The yield of the purification process was high with a DNA
concentration of 0.023 mg/mL, which allowed for many
PCR trials to be run.
Six annealing temperatures
were tested in the PCR assay. The positive control band of 500 b.p. was
obtained in the gel with the annealing temperature of 52, 48, and 47 (Figure 2,
Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5). The
largest number of bands was consistently observed at 48 and 47 degrees. This
showed that the reverse primer and control primer annealed properly, the
cocktail ingredients were in the proper proportions, and that thermocycling conditions were optimized for these two
primers. However, all of these factors were not discriminatory enough for the
forward primers to anneal. A 922 b.p. band for the pairing of wild-type DNA with WTF primer or
mutant DNA with PKDF primer was not observed. Therefore, the hypothesis that
the Yaku method would provide greater discrimination was not confirmed, because
no band was obtained using the Yaku primers. Overall, the assay did not
function to detect the F2853S mutation.
Sociological Experiment
The DASH (Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, which is commonly used to lower blood pressure,
was taken on by the researchers in order to experience a lifestyle effect of
having PKD. Lowering blood pressure has been to shown to slow the progression
of PKD (Schmid 1990). The DASH diet is based on a 2,000 calorie diet, and it suggests that people trying lower
high blood pressure stay under 1500 mg of sodium a day (Heller 2004).
During the sociological
experiment, each researcher followed the DASH diet for fourteen days. The blood
pressure of each person was taken at the beginning and end of the diet, and
they were compared to see if following the DASH diet lowered the blood pressure
of the researcher. A p-value of 0.394 was obtained. The null hypothesis stated
that there was no difference in the beginning and ending blood pressure, so it
failed to be rejected. This indicates that the DASH diet was not effective in
lowering the blood pressure of the researchers. However, since the diet was
only followed for two weeks, better results may be obtained after a longer
duration of following the diet. Also, since the researchers do not actually
have kidney disease or hypertension, eating reduced sodium levels may not
affect their blood pressure as profoundly.
The second part of the
experiment included tracking each researcherÕs sodium intake for a total of
four days. The sodium levels for prepared meals served in the cafeteria were
found on the Michigan State University Residential Dining nutrition website and
the USDA MyPyramid Food Tracker. This aspect of the
experiment assessed the difficulty of following a low-sodium diet while eating
in the MSU dining halls. It was hypothesized that the actual amount of sodium
consumed while following the diet would be less than the desired amount (or
amount eaten under normal circumstances). A p-value of 0.0000522 was obtained,
so the null hypothesis was rejected. This p-value shows that there was a
significant difference between the the
actual and desired amounts. However, there is some issue of bias in this
calculation, since the researchers were aware of the guidelines and were able
to plan their diet around the guidelines. Nevertheless, this large difference
shows the drastic lifestyle change to reduce sodium levels to the 1500 mg
recommended by the DASH diet to lower blood pressure and slow the progression
of PKD.
Future Directions
One limitation of this
experiment is that site-directed mutagenesis was not verified. If more time was
available, restriction enzymes would be used to see if the mutation was
actually inserted into the DNA strand. In addition, if the experimental primers
amplified the expected 922 b.p. band in the future, restriction enzymes could be used to
see if the correct band was being amplified.
obtaining 500 b.p. control bands with 48 C and 47 C, troubleshooting was done
to try to optimize PCR conditions for the WTF primer to anneal to the wild-type
DNA template. Different DNA concentrations were used, but since the
thermocycler was not set correctly, a 7-minute extension time was used and no
bands were observed. Therefore, in the future, DNA concentrations would be
altered in order to see if more DNA or less DNA would cause more distinct bands
to appear for the control primer or a wild-type band. In addition, it was
hypothesized that including more DNA in the cocktail would provide more DNA for
the primers to anneal to.
streaky lanes that resulted in several of the gels were present only in lanes
that contained mutant DNA template. This is probably due to a contamination of
the mutant DNA, which may have occurred during the site-directed mutagenesis
process. There was no control for the cocktail ingredients used in mutagenesis.
To troubleshoot this, we would run a PCR cocktail using lambda virus and the
same ingredients in the cocktail as were used in the site-directed mutagenesis cocktails,
and if the correct band was amplified it would show that the cocktail
ingredients were viable.
On several of the gels
there were no smaller bands at the bottom of the gel. The gel was completely
empty of small bands (below 100 b.p.). This could
have been due to lower primer concentrations than needed. In future
experiments, concentrations of primers would be varied. If the correct DNA is amplified, this would show a brighter band. If the
primers do not anneal to the DNA, more smaller bands
would be evident at the bottom of the gel.