Assessing the Risk Factor of a Human Cell for HD
by Using PCR to Identify the Number of CAG Expansions
By: Sean Benner, Ashley Grosso, Tluang Hniang, and Amy Jamieson
by: A42663099
by: A40407099
by: A40961460
purpose of our project is to calculate the number of CAG expansions that a
genome contains to determine the risk factor for a cell with Huntington’s
disease (HD). By conducting this study, advances can be made in the diagnosis
of HD with the potential of discovering a cure. PCR will be used to replicate
the CAG expansions, followed by gel electrophoresis to analyze the segment to
see if a cell is at risk for HD. We hope that the primers designed will work in
the PCR cocktail as evident by bands made by gel electrophoresis. We will be
able to determine the number of base pairs based on a control band at 165bp
from PCR product of the enamelin gene.
Consequently, it will be possible to calculate the number of CAG and CCG
repeats, thus determining if the cell is at risk for HD or not. We predict that
the mutated cell will result in a band over 165bp, displaying a risk factor for
the disease, while a normal cell will show a band less then 165bp, and
therefore not be at risk for the disease. These values were determined by
analyzing the lowest possible scenario for being borderline for
HD, concluded to be 36 CAG and 6 CCG repeats (Watts and Koller, 2004). However, only primer dimer was achieved. A sociological experiment was
conducted by utilizing a GAF test. It was ultimately found that when displaying
symptoms of HD, an individual has a significantly lower level of functioning,
as was originally predicted.
by: A40407099
by: A42663099
by: A42449618
Research Summary and Hypothesis
disease is a fatal disease which is caused by a combination of CAG and CCG
repeats found on gene IT15 at 4p16.3 on chromosome four. Both the number of CAG
repeats and the number of CCG repeats are incorporated in the diagnosis of
Huntington’s disease (Andrew et al, 1994). These repeats lead to
the toxic effects of the protein huntingtin at
various locations in the brain, particularly in the striatum and cerebral
cortex. Huntingtin is important in the
formation and development of the brain while in the womb as well as the
survival of neurons in adults (Zuccato et al,
2001). Previous research has found an EcoP15I enzyme will cut at the CAG repeats
to determine the number of CAG repeats. PCR and gel electrophoresis are another
two methods for diagnosing a patient with Huntington’s. (Yen et al,
1999). The question we addressed was whether the primers we
designed could be used successfully to determine a person’s risk factor for
Huntington’s disease. We hypothesized that the Fprimer and Rprimer which we designed could be used to determine
someone’s risk factor for Huntington’s disease by the process of PCR and gel
electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis from amplified DNA of Huntington’s disease
was expected to display a band above 165bp using the HD forward and reverse
primers while a band below 165bp was expected with the wild type DNA. To gain a
better understanding of Huntington’s disease, a sociological study was
conducted in addition to the laboratory experiment. Each researcher from the
research team experienced the progressing stages of Huntington’s disease for a
total of five days. The GAF test (Global Assessment of Functioning) was taken
to evaluate the level of disability both psychologically and physically for
each stage. It was hypothesized that the GAF test score will decrease for each
individual as the symptoms of Huntington’s progress.
Original Predictions
interpretation of gel electrophoresis, the amplified DNA of infected
Huntington’s disease and wild type DNA with the primers we designed were
expected to determine the risk factor of a person’s having Huntington’s disease
or not based on the number of base pairs shown. Because a normal person has
fewer than 35 CAG repeats but greater than 6 CAG repeats, it was predicted that
the normal gene sequence, those not at risk for developing Huntington’s
disease, would show a band below 165bp. However, those at risk for Huntington’s
disease were expected to show a band above 165b on the gel ladder because the
correlating number of CAG repeats is greater than 40 (MacDonald et al,
1993). The forward and reverse primers for the enamelin gene
were expected to create the band at 165bp as a positive control (Watts and Koller, 2004).
Primer Design
Using the HD
genomic sequence, the forward and reverse primers were designed to attach
before the CAG repeats and after the CCG repeats of the DNA sequence. In order
for the primers to anneal properly, the temperature of the second step;
annealing stage; of the PCR process was calculated by the melting point formula
because theoretical melting point for primers is critical. If the temperature
is too high, the primers won’t anneal properly to the DNA resulting in a bad
PCR product. The same HD primers were used to attach to both the mutant and the
wild type DNA because there is no difference between the two besides the number
of CAG repeats where the mutant would have more than 40, while the wild type
would have 35 or less. To make sure the PCR works and the primers anneal
correctly, forward and reverse primers from the enamelin gene
was designed as a positive control. For a negative control, the HD primers and enamelin primers were paired as forward and reverse
primers in the PCR cocktails without DNA template to make sure there was no
Genomic Purification
Douglas Luckie, a researcher at Lyman Briggs College of Michigan
State University, provided the epithelial cells for wild type DNA samples. As
the procedure of DNA purification found in the Generation Capture Column Kit
from QIAGEN, the DNA was successfully extracted. The purpose of performing the
DNA purification was to remove all unnecessary chemical that attached within
the wild type DNA sample such as lipids, sodium, enzymes and proteins, and to
obtain pure and desalted PCR amplicons (Manduzio et al, 2010).
PCR and Gel Electrophoresis analysis
To determine the
optimal PCR condition, PCR cocktails were run with multiple different annealing
temperatures. Also, a 2% agarose gel was
made for gel electrophoresis so that the small bands produced by PCR could be
seen. In figure 2, the wild type DNA was run with multiple temperatures (45°C, 50°C and 56°C) to determine which
temperature would result in the primers annealing properly and result in a band
of the expected length. At every temperature, primer dimer was
the result. The primers were annealing to each other instead of annealing with
the wild type DNA (Huang et al, 2011).However, there is no
primer dimer at lane 6 because something in
the PCR cocktail was incorrect, possibly either the wrong primer was loaded or
the amount of primers in the cocktail was not correct. Figure 3 shows a gel of
negative controls run at 56°C and 60°C for
Huntington’s and Enamelin primers.
There were no bands shown as the primers designed from Huntington gene were not
annealing to each other and the primers designed from enamelin gene
were not annealing to each other. However, in the negative control shown in
figure 4, primer dimer was evident when the
HD and Enamelin primers were crossed in the
cocktail. Our hypothesis was refuted by the lack of accuracy due to different
outcomes of primer dimer in negative
controls, the positive controls were not displayed as expected, and the
wild-type DNA was not amplified with designed HD primers to result in a band
below 165bp.
Sociological Experiment analysis
Along with
working at the molecular level of Huntington’s disease, a sociological study
was conducted. Figure 5 shows the results of an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
statistical test ran using the GAF test scores taken after a normal day and the
night of the second day during each of the three stages. The p-value calculated
between the normal stage and each of the other three stages individually was
found to be .08 for each test. Although that number shows no significance, when
looking at the experiment as a whole the p-value was calculated to be .034,
supporting our original prediction that there was a significant decline in
functioning as the stages progressed. The third stage underwent another step of
evaluation. The results from an ethogram taken
during stage three of the sociological experiment are shown
in Figure 6. The ethogram shows that the
most common response from individuals was staring at the group member
experiencing stage three. This was followed by avoiding eye contact, ignoring, and
snickering at, while responses such as approaching and physically avoiding were
hardly observed.
Future Direction
experiment could be improved in many ways because when we performed our
experiment, numerous amounts of error may occur from many different aspects. If
there were six more weeks to work on the experiment and perform more PCR
amplification, a perfect annealing temperature could be found. The HD primers
could be redesigned so the band will be larger by placing the primers further
upstream and downstream from the CAG repeats. Another way to improve the
experiment is increasing or decreasing the amount of primers added into the PCR
cocktails. Furthermore, if we could have the mutant DNA available to
us, we could have been able to amplify it in the PCR cocktail which might have
resulted in bands with electrophoresis. Also, if we had access to upgraded PCR
technology such as fluorescent multiplex PCR, the implication would have been
more accurate results (Peciña et al, 2010). If
for some reason the PCR and gel electrophoresis does not work, there are two
alternatives that are plausible. The first of these would be to get the gene
sequenced. There is a possibility that another lab would have the equipment to
analyze our DNA samples and give us the specific sequence of our sample,
allowing us to determine the number of repeats. This method has been employed
by other scientists in the past (MacDonald et al, 1993). Another
option would be the use of enzymes. Scientists have found an enzyme that cuts
at the CAG repeats, resulting in gel bands representative of only the CAG
repeats and nothing else (Yen et al, 1999). This could be used, if
the EcoP15I enzyme is easily attainable, in the case that the PCR does not work
(Möncke-Buchner et al, 2002).
GAF test score might contain error due to self-scoring by the individual; it
can be improved by accurate scoring by a professional.
Figure 4: Negative control gel containing
different combinations of the Enamelin and
Huntington’s primers. This gel depicts the results of a negative
control ran containing different combinations of the two sets primers. In the 1st and
2nd lane there are the Enamelin reverse
and Huntington’s reverse primers, in the 3rd and 4th lane
there are the Enamelin reverse and
Huntington’s forward primers, the 5thand 6th lane
contain the Enamelin forward and
Huntington’s forward primers, and lanes 7 and 8 contain the Enamelin forward and Huntinton’s reverse
primers. The PCR was conducted using a Perkins-ElmerGeneAmp 2400
Thermo Cycler for 30 cycles. The denaturing was conducted at 95C for an initial
5 minutes and then 30 seconds for each denaturing cycle, the annealing
temperature used was 57C for 30 seconds each annealing cycle, and the
temperature for the extension portions was 72C for 30 seconds each extension
cycle, and an additional extensions was
conducted at 72C for 5 minutes. Annealing of the primers can be observed
in all 8 lanes. The bands in lanes 1, 2, 5, and 8 are brighter, suggesting that
more primers were annealing to each other in those lanes compared to lanes 3,
4, 6, and 7.