Designing a Diagnosis of Krabbe Disease using PCR to detect a 30 kb deletion on the
GALC Gene of Human Epithelial Cells
"30 Days" Experiment Still Film
The 30 kb deletion found on the galactocerebrosidase (GALC) gene, is found in all cases of
infantile Krabbe disease and causes death before the
age of two (Wenger et al, 1997). Additionally, this mutation accounts for
nearly 40-50% of the possible mutant alleles for this disease (Wenger and Chen,
1993). In this paper we discuss
primers designed for use in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol, modeled
from Bruce WhiteÕs manual, with the purpose of creating a valid diagnostic test
for Krabbe Disease. Based on previous studies, we
hypothesized that by using designed primers and control primers we would be
able to successfully detect if the 30kb deletion was present through PCR
detection techniques and gel electrophoresis. Specific primers were designed to
anneal upstream of the deletion, downstream of the deletion, and where the
deletion should be. Annealing primers used in the successful diagnosis of Krabbe disease were taken from the results of Paola Luzi and acted as experimental controls. (Luzi et al, 1995). We predicted to see an
appearance of a 509 bp fragment for mutant homozygous individual, a 994 bp and
509 bp fragment for heterozygous individuals, and a 994 bp fragment alone for a
wild-type homozygous individual. The results obtained did not match what we
predicted. After testing several annealing temperatures and different PCR
cocktails we were unable to detect the 30kb deletion. The only bands that
appeared in the agarose gels were below 100 bp, for
both controls and designed primers. These bands are a result of nonspecific
binding, where the primers anneal to themselves instead of the DNA strand.
To further our study, physical symptoms that
commonly afflict those with Krabbe Disease were
simulated to obtain quantitative results on societyÕs responses. We predicted
that many people would react to our experiment with frustration, a sense of dominance,
or complete avoidance; three behaviors that often occur towards physically
disabled children by their peer group, and can cause severe sociological
distress (Barker, 1948). A correlation test was developed to see if there was
correlation between perceived acceptability of symptoms by society and actual
difficulty of the symptom. Our findings
support the original prediction that society does react differently towards
those with a physical impairment, but the data from the correlation test was
0.666 this does not support the idea that society reacts more severely to
conditions that are harder for us to live with. This data helped group
members connect the PCR based portion of the experiment to psychological and
sociological aspects of Krabbe Disease.
Experiment Summary
Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy,
commonly known as Krabbe disease, results from a 30
kb deletion in the GALC gene, the gene responsible for the production of galactocerebrosidase (Luzi et al, 1995). This leads to a reduction
in galactocerebrosidase, which results in the
deterioration of the protective coating of nerve cells. The 30kb deletion is a
specific variation of Krabbe Disease, which presents
itself in 50% of patients with this disease (Kleijer,
1997). Through previous studies
using PCR diagnostics, it was determined the deletion begins in the middle of
intron 10 in chromosome 14 and proceeds past the gene by 9 kb (Wenger, 2000).
We hypothesized that by using PCR techniques and gel electrophoresis, the
presence of the 30 kb deletion on the GALC gene of adherent epithelial cells
could be detected through use of primers designed to anneal to specific areas
upstream of the deletion, within the range of the deleted section, and
downstream of the deletion. These
primers should amplify different lengths of DNA: a 994 bp long fragment if the
individual was homozygous wild type, a fragment 504 bp long if the individual
was homozygous mutant, and bands 994 bp and 504 bp long if the individual was
Genomic Preparation
The DNA used in all PCR cocktails was extracted from 200 uL of S9 human epithelial cells by the Generation Capture
Column Kit made by Qiagen. The purity of
extracted DNA was measured numerous times with the spectrophotometer and
yielded an average concentration of 1.798 ng/uL meaning the ratio of pure DNA to proteins and other
impurities was high enough to use in PCR. 1 uL of the
extracted DNA was used in each cocktail.
ensure the cocktail and methods being utilized could work, preliminary testing
on Lambda DNA was done. When run in the PCR machine with an annealing
temperature of 54¡ C, bands were observed around the 500 bp mark, where the Rz amplified region was meant to occur (Figure 1). The
presence of the band is indicative of a successful result, which supports the
validity of our cocktail in its ability to produce results through PCR
amplification and supports that our designed protocol should be sufficient.
Primers were developed to run PCR diagnostic
tests in an effort to determine if the specimen has the 30 kb deletion. As a
control, primers from a previous study done by Paola Luzi
were used to yield an expected result that would determine if the protocol we
had designed could work (Luzi et al, 1995). For the
control experiment the sense primer CP1 (5Õ-CCTATATG
is located upstream of the deletion, the antisense primer CP2
(5'-AAGGAGCTAACATTT-CAGGC-3') is located within the 30 kb deletion at a
location, and the antisense primer CP3 (5'-TCAAGTCCTTGATGATCACC-3') is located after
the deletion. According to Paola LuziÕs experiment, these results should yield a 329 bp
fragment in an individual with Krabbe disease,
indicating the presence of a homozygous mutation, and a 615 bp fragment for a
healthy, wild homozygous individual.
Additionally, if an individual was a carrier, or heterozygous, a 329 bp
fragment and a 615 bp fragment would be observed on the agarose
gel. The protocol of the experiment was followed, but did not produce the
expected results. Since the gene should have been intact in the cells used, CP2
should have bound to its complementary sequence within the GALC gene and should
have transcribed past the origin of deletion, yielding a 615 bp DNA fragment (Luzi et al,1995). The reasoning behind this is that in a
patient homozygous for this disease, CP2 will have nothing complementary to
anneal to since that particular area has been deleted. This should have caused
a 329 bp fragment to appear once gel electrophoresis was conducted, due to the
section amplified when the primer annealed after the deletion (White, 1993).
However, for a patient with wild type DNA, CP2 will anneal to the sequence
normally deleted in patients with Krabbe disease,
alternatively producing a fragment 615 bp long (Luzi et al, 1995). Figure 2 presents a 1% agarose gel run at 56o C containing the control
primers given in the experiment. The gel produced
bands below 100 bp in length, which indicates nonspecific binding occurred.
Nonspecific binding usually indicates primers that are too complementary and
bind to each other instead of the DNA strand. It can also indicate incomplete
primer binding, which is most likely the case in this scenario. Incomplete
primer binding could have been the result of too low a concentration of MgCl2.
We predicted that a patient could be
successfully diagnosed with Krabbe disease through
PCR diagnosis using specific primers we created to anneal to particular regions
on and after the GALC gene because of the success previous researchers have had
using primers they placed in a pattern similar to ours (Luzi
et al, 1995). Our designed sense primer, DP1
was designed to anneal 174 bp before the deletion. Our second primer, an antisense primer
DP2 (5Õ-GATGAGGAGAAGGAAAGGACGG-3Õ), was designed complementary to a sequence
located within the deletion. This primer should have been placed 820 bp into
the deletion at a position 88,441,889 bp into chromosome 14. Primer 3, the
antisense primer DP3 (5Õ-GAGTTACTCTTCCCACACGC-3Õ), was designed complementary
to a sequence located 509 bp after the deletion at a position 88,447,404 bp
into chromosome 14. After electrophoresis was completed, following the same
logic used to decipher the appearance of the Luzi
control bands, we should have observed a band in the agarose
gel 994 bp long if the individual was homozygous wild type, a band 504 bp long
if the individual was homozygous mutant, and bands 994 bp and 504 bp long if
the individual was heterozygous. Again, since the gene should still have been
intact in the adherent human epithelial cells being used, DP2 should have bound
to its complementary sequence within the GALC gene and should have yielded a
994 bp DNA fragment.
Because the melting point values found for each
primer were different, we used a wide range of temperatures: from 49¡ C to 56¡
C in increments of 1¡ C. After completing PCR with all of those temperatures,
the bands observed were all below 100 bp, like those of the controlÕs.
Figure 3 shows a 1% agarose gel containing PCR
cocktails run at 52¡ C, 54¡ C, and 56¡ C, all resulting in nonspecific binding.
Again, this nonspecific binding could have resulted in primers annealing to
each other, or incomplete/nonspecific primer binding due insufficient MgCl2.
Sociological Experiment
To try to understand the physiological and
sociological aspect of this very rare disease, group members designed an
experiment to replicate some of the symptoms associated with Krabbe disease. These included loss of hand control,
impairment of limbs, and speech impairment, and vision impairment. Loss of hand
control was replicated by wearing gloves; impairment of limbs was replicated by
wrapping a bandage around a piece of wood placed at our joints and the use of a
wheelchair; loss of speech was replicated by wearing an athletic mouth guard;
and vision impairment was replicated by two group members removing their
contacts and the other two wearing prescription glasses not meant for their
eyes, and later by wearing dark sunglasses and using a cane. Group members
rated how difficult those symptoms were to live with on a scale of zero to ten
based on time it took members to complete everyday tasks with the impairment as
opposed to without the impairment. The results shown in Figure 5 display an
average of how difficult group members perceived the symptoms to be. While
results initially appeared to follow the trend, speech impairment, the third
symptom that presents in the disease, was ranked lower than that of the first
two symptoms. Experimenters believe this is because, when presented with speech
impairment, words are much harder to understand, but communication was still
possible if people could understand us or if gestures were used. Therefore,
results do not give strong support to the original prediction.
Group members also recorded societyÕs reactions
to the replicated symptoms. Based on findings from previous studies we
predicted that society would react to the symptoms of Krabbe
Disease in a particular fashion- that is, with confusion or intentional disregard
and sometime even with a subconscious hostility (Barker, 1948). Figure 4
displays the types of reactions from society to our symptoms. Our predictions
were correct, based on the larger percentages of society that intentionally
ignored us (28%) or stared (30%) at us. The percentage of hostile reaction
portrayed (3%) was much lower than expected. Experimenters believe this is
because, according to the Barker study, hostility is usually presented
subconsciously as opposed to provoking a physical reaction (Barker, 1948).
Figure 5 displays a correlation test of the
reactions of society and group memberÕs difficulty rating of each symptom. The
correlation value was 0.666, which indicates that the two sets of data are
relatively unrelated, and does not agree with the Westbrook Hierarchy presented
(Dear et al, 1997). We believe this may due to how
physically obvious the symptoms were to society. For instance, vision
impairment was originally difficult for society to notice, when no sunglasses
or cane was used. Group members found this symptom extremely difficult, but
society did not always realize our symptom or view our behavior as very
abnormal. This part of the experiment has, undoubtedly, given the group a
better understanding of how much the public knows about the disease and reacts
to those with symptoms of the disease.
In all of
the gels ran during the experiment, nonspecific binding was observed. As stated
earlier, this could have been due to primers annealing to each other because
they were too complementary. In the case of the control primers this is an
implausible explanation, because those specific primers worked in previous
experiments. Too low of a concentration of MgCl2 or using different
machines than those in the control study is a more plausible explanation. The
previous study used Amplitaq Gold Fast PCR Master mix
from Applied Biosystems instead of our lab-made
cocktail. This could have resulted in our group using the wrong measurements of
MgCl2 or TAQ polymerase for that cocktail.
Future Directions
portions of the experiment could have been modified if more time was available.
Ordering mutant DNA would have helped with the experiment, but it was not
possible due to time and the expense of the DNA. Additionally, if more time was
available, a wider range of temperatures would have been used with the design
primers, including using increments of 0.5 o C. This would have been
useful because some primers may have only annealed at exact temperatures,
resulting in the desired bands. Also, different amounts of MgCl2 and
DNA template would have been used. MgCl2 aides
primers during the annealing step of PCR, which could have helped us get the
desired bands. Another error that could have been remedied if more time was
available was being more cautious with our materials. For instance, TAQ
Polymerase is very temperature sensitive, so we may have been more diligent
about keeping it cool or on ice during the entire experiment. Another approach
we would have tried if given more time is Touchdown PCR. In Touchdown PCR, each
annealing cycle runs at different temperatures, starting with very hot and
decreasing each cycle. This allows the primers to anneal at the best
temperature possible, which reduces nonspecific binding (Don, 1991). If more
time was allotted for the experiment, we would have also redesigned our
primers. We would have looked for regions whose fitting primers would have less
complementary sections. Finally, if we had more time, we would have also
changed the concentration of ethidium bromide used in
the gels. This could have allowed us to more easily view any bands that could
have been hidden by an incorrect concentration of ethidium
Figure 2: 1% agarose
gel, from gel electrophoresis, showing attempted results of PCR amplification
of the 30 kb deletion in the GALC gene from control primers, ran with an
annealing temperature of 56o C. Lanes 1 and 4 contain the invitrogen
1 kb Plus Ladder. The protocol from the Luzi article
was used in an attempt to replicate results to utilize as a control for our
designed primers. Lane 2 contained
CP1 and CP2, while lane 3 contains CP1 and CP3. The PCR was run with wild type DNA; as
such, lane two should have had a product that would not leave the well since it
would have been over 30,000 base pairs long due to the lack of the 30 kb
deletion, while lane three should have yielded a fragment 994 base pairs long
since the primers would have annealed before and within the area where the
deletion would be present in mutant DNA. 3% DMSO was used along with 2.5 uL of MgCl2, as was specified in the Luzi article, but only nonspecific binding below 100 bp was