An Assay Demonstrating a 591 bp Band for the wt CFTR Sequence at the A455E Locus in CF Patients using S9 Cells and PCR.
By: The Red Charmanders:
Amanda Brohman
James MacVicar
Hannah Nelson
Ashley Woodward
An assay was designed to test the DNA of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients for the A455E mutation. We hypothesized that a single base pair mismatch caused by the presence of the A455E mutation at the 3' end of a designed wildtype primer, at the correct annealing temperature and salt concentration, will not anneal to the DNA (Strasberg et al., 1997). One set of primers (#1 and #2) was designed to anneal to the A455E mutation. Another set (#3 and #2) was designed to anneal to the wildtype CFTR sequence at the A455E locus with #2 serving as the reverse primer, and the last set (primers #4 and #5) was designed to anneal to the ΔF508 mutation serving as a control. After a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted, the amplified DNA was viewed using agarose gel electrophoresis. A 591bp band was identified, indicating wildtype DNA. This experiment demonstrated an alternative method for identifying the A455E mutation in CF patients. For a psychological analysis, Michigan State students were taught basic facts about CF while drawing different colored beads representing allele frequencies in CF patients worldwide and in French-Canadians. Students were surveyed before and after the drawings on their opinions of genetic tests. We hypothesized that those who are exposed more frequently to controversial ideas (like stem cell research or abortion) will have a better perceived understanding than those less exposed. A chi-square test was conducted to determine if major and opinion were independent of each other. The chi-squared value was 1.89 and the p-vale was between 0.5 and 0.8, thus our hypothesis was refuted and the null hypothesis accepted; supporting no correlation.
Fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal, autosomal
recessive disorder among Caucasians, with one in 2,500 live births having the
disorder (Fulmer et al., 1995). CF is caused by mutations in the CTFR
gene. These mutations cause mucus build up in the lungs and pancreas,
pancreatic insufficiency, and respiratory infections (McKone
et al., 2003). The most common CFTR
mutation, DF508, accounts for 70% of the mutations worldwide (De Braekeleer et al.,
1998). The A455E mutation, accounts for 0.1% of CF patients worldwide (Wallis,
2007). A455E makes up 3% of CFTR mutations found in Dutch populations and 8% in
the French Canadian population of Saguenay
Lac-Saint-Jean (De Braekeleer et al., 1997). At the
DNA level, this mutation is caused by a cytosine changing to an adenine at
nucleotide 1496 and an alanine to glutamic
acid on the amino acid level at codon 455 (Tsui et al.,
Five primers
were designed and used two at a time, one forward and one reverse, in
polymerase chain reactions (PCR), to correctly identify if a CF patient was
homozygous or heterozygous for the A455E mutation or homozygous for the wildtype (WT). We hypothesized that a single base pair mismatch caused by the
presence of the A455E mutation at the 3' end of a designed wildtype
primer, at the correct annealing temperature and salt concentration, will not
anneal to the DNA. In previous PCR studies, primers were designed in much the
same way, focusing on the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found in A455E
and amplified using PCR with the optimal annealing temperature and salt
concentrations. This protocol resulted in correct amplification of the A455E
mutation (Strasberg et al., 1997).
Knowing that
the A455E mutation is most commonly found in the French Canadian population of Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean (SLSJ), we were interested how the
founder effect may have contributed to this difference in the populations (De Braekeleer et al.,
1997). A probability experiment was created, in which the different allele
frequencies of the worldwide CF population and the SLSJ population were
represented with beads. We hypothesized that our experimental data would
follow closely to the theoretical probabilities, based on the statistical
nature of the chi-squared (X2) test (Urquhart
et al., 2009). A comparison
was also made between students’ majors and their opinion on genetic testing
through a survey/interview. In a previous study it was determined that people
who had heard or read more about genetic testing were more likely to view it as
a socially beneficial procedure (Singer
et al., 2008). Our hypothesis stated that individuals who are exposed
more frequently to controversial ideas will possess different opinions than
those who are less exposed. The psychological aspect of our study compared the
students’ opinions of genetic testing before and after they were informed about
CF. We hypothesized that students who possess more knowledge of controversial
topics, like genetic testing, will be more inclined to accept these topics. To test these hypotheses chi-square tests
were conducted on the survey data.
Results and
Findings - PCR
To determine optimal conditions for this assay, multiple PCR
tests were conducted with varying annealing temperatures (Ta),
concentrations of S9 DNA, primers, and MgCl, MgSO4,
and Mg++ mix(a mixture of MgCl
and MgSO4). We predicted that if the A455E mutation was present in
the S9 cells, then using forward primer (FP) #1 and reverse primer (RP) #2
would result in a band of 591bp and if not present, FP #3 and RP #2 would
anneal to the WT DNA and amplify a band of the same length. These predictions
were based on previous studies that have replicated and identified CF mutations
through primer design and the selection of correct Ta (Strasberg et al., 1997; Saiki et al., 1988). By using an optimal Ta of 38˚C and
adding 1 μL of 5mM Mg++ mix, a band
at approximately 591bp was observed using WT FP #3 and RP #2 when the exposure
on the camera was raised from 0.5s to 5s, indicating correct amplification but
at a small amount. A 1Kb DNA ladder was used as a control to determine the
length of the band (Haenisch et al., 2009). No band was observed when mutant FP #1 and RP #2
were used, supporting our hypothesis. It also supports our prediction that if the A455E mutation was not
present in the S9 DNA, then the WT primers would anneal to the DNA and result
in a band of 591bp. With this data, we
can conclude that the designed primers were able to amplify a section of DNA at
the desired length; however, we were not able to confirm that the segment was
our desired segment. Further tests would
need to be conducted to confirm this.
For a positive control using DF508,
we originally predicted that with the use of FP#4 and RP#5 we would observe a
band of 628bps. All that was
observed for the ∆F508
mutation were band smears that were most likely the result of non-specific
binding. With further testing on annealing temperatures and salt concentrations
it is believed that the primers will be able to amplify the desired region and
produce a band length of 628 base pairs.
Results and Findings –
Statistical/Psychological analysis
For the
statistical test, we
predicted that we would draw a 0.1% representation for the A455E mutation in
the worldwide population and an 8% representation for the SLSJ population (De Braekeleer et al.,
1997). Using a
X2 test, the p-value for the representation of A455E in the SLSJ
population was between 0.8 and 0.9. This value was larger than the critical
value, 0.05, supporting the hypothesis. The test for the world wide
population data did not yield the same results. Here the p-value was found to
be <0.05, making it a significant test, rejecting the hypothesis. The
expected values varied between different sources. The percent of DF508
mutation alleles varied from 70% to 75%, while the A455E mutation in the SLSJ
population varied from 8% to 8.3% (Wallis, 2007; De Braekeleer
et al., 1997; De Braekeleer
et al., 1998). We chose to use
70% for DF508 and 8% for A455E as they were the most common values.
For the analysis of students’
majors and their opinions on genetic testing, we predicted that science
majors would show more acceptance of genetic testing than non-science majors as
the more frequently individuals are informed about genetic testing, the more
likely they are to view genetic testing as favorable (Singer et al., 2008). A X2 test for independence was run and a p-value of
0.05-0.1 ( >0.05) was calculated, signifying a
failure to reject the null hypothesis that stated: major and acceptance of
genetic testing are independent of each other. This refutes our original
hypothesis. In a study testing opinions on reproductive genetic
technologies (RGTs) - preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), hypothetical
genetic modification, and sperm sorting for sex selection - similar
results were discovered. The researchers found that no matter the race, gender,
or age of the participants, the participants agreed with RGTs
when they would be implemented to avoid and/or detect deadly genetic diseases,
such as CF (Kalfoglou et al., 2005).
For the
psychological aspect we predicted that by educating participants about CF and
genetic testing the individuals would show an increase in their approval of
genetic testing. A X2 test for
independence was run and a p-value of 0.5-0.8 (>0.05) was calculated
which results in a failure to reject the null hypothesis (no correlation),
which rejects our original hypothesis. This could be a result of the short
amount of time in between the questions. In another study, very similar to our
own, conducted by Laskey et al., our prediction was refuted. This study was conducted on African American premedical
students and their opinions on genetic testing. The students were given a
survey before a summer course, which included lectures based on genetic
principles and medical genetics, and then were surveyed after the course. The
researchers found that there was little change in opinion after they attended
the class (Laskey et
al., 2003).
Further Direction
For the A455E mutation, a single band at
approximately 591bp was observed using our designed primers; however, the band
was very faint. This could mean that the concentration of the S9 DNA was too
low and the PCR was unable to amplify enough of the desired sequence to be
easily observable. In order to eliminate NSB, the Ta would have to
be raised slowly with each additional test to locate the optimal temperature.
When the Ta is too low in a PCR, primers are able to create hydrogen
bonds with sections of DNA that only math part of the primer. This leads to the amplification of multiple
sequences of DNA, creating multiple bands on the agarose
gel like the bands we observed. If there
was more time to conduct further research, multiple Ta would be
tested until the optimal temperature was reached. Another way to determine if
the band observed was truly from the desired sequence would be to implement
restriction enzymes. Restriction endonucleases, originally found in bacteria, are enzymes
that cut specific sections of DNA (Campbell and Reece.,
2005). By using restriction enzymes that would blunt cut parts of our desired DNA
sequence, the resulting gel would showcase the areas of the DNA that had been
cut to different, known lengths. If the
predicted band lengths were the same as the actual band lengths, it would show
that the correct area of DNA had been amplified.
For the ∆F508 mutation,
only smears appeared on the gels, most likely as a result of NSB with this
mutation, which could be resolved in the same way as with the other mutation;
by increasing the Ta. With more time we would look into different
annealing temperatures to find the optimal. The use of restriction enzymes
cannot be implemented until one solid band is observed for this mutation.
The NSB from both mutations could also be
resolved if Yaku primers were created. Our assay used the Traditional primer design
method which requires primers that are exact compliments to the template
sequence. It is possible that the primers were designed incorrectly; however,
they were confirmed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s
Primer-Blast website. The Yaku-Bonczyk method of
primer design adds an intentional base pair mismatch at the 3rd or 4th
base from the 3’ end of a forward primer, making it harder for the primer to
anneal incorrectly (Yaku et al., 2008). This could
also act as a second control to prove that the band we observed was the
amplification of the intended sequence.
Gel 9
Lane 1 Lane 2
Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5
Lane 6 Lane 7
506 BP
298 BP
Figure 2. Resulting gel after PCR tests on DF508 mutant DNA using primers 4 and 5. Lane 1 contained 5mL of 1 kb ladder and was a positive control. Lane 2 was our standard cocktail with no DNA added and was used as a negative control. Lane 3 had DF508 mutant DNA with primers 4 and 5, and there was nothing visible in the lane. Lane 4 contained 3mL of DF508 mutant DNA (1mL in addition to the standard cocktail) with primers 4 and 5, resulting in nonspecific binding. Lane 5 resulted in nonspecific binding and contained DF508 mutant DNA, primers 4 and 5, and mL of 5mM MgCl. Lane 6 contained DF508 mutant DNA, primers 4 and 5, and 1mL of 5mM MgSO4, resulting in nonspecific binding. Lane 7 contained DF508 mutant DNA, primers 4 and 5, and 1mL of 5mM Mg++ mix, and nothing was visible in the lane The annealing temperature for all of the PCR products was 38°C.